S-Life Mag

Your source for nourishment, inspiration, and joy

We've rounded up a band of driven, grounded, gorgeous women that fuel their passions through eating clean. Danielle Duboise, our co-founder and co-mama of Sakara, epitomizes this philosophy by bringing plant magic to a national stage. Though chlorella tablets, coconut water and organic veggies are always on the table...so is chocolate, rosé, dancing into the wee hours and living full life filled with zero guilt#eatcleanplaydirty 



Name: Danielle Duboise/ @danielleduboise

Age: Year of the Tiger

Location: NYC + LA

Day job: Mother of Sakara 

Night job: Mother of Nightlife (my current fav spot is et al) 

Morning routine: Get out of bed as slowly as possible. The idea of rushing in the morning is just terrifying. I always start my morning with a facial steam. It's the best.

Night time routine: Dance my bum off. If I'm home early, I'll read a few pages of my book while guzzling Sakara's Detox Water. It helps me wake up feeling refreshed and de-puffed. 

I eat clean by: Eating a plant-based diet full of organic fruits and veggies and high quality, cold-pressed oils. 

I play dirty by: Eating chocolate, dancing the night away, finding joy and gratitude in my body and all the fun things it allows me to experience, making sure work is play and that I'm doing things I'm passionate about, seeking my edges and leaning into what's hard, being in service even when I feel overwhelmed, waking up everyday with gratitude. 

My motto in life is: There are no rules. All the rules you live by right now were created in your own mind. Change them if you want to. 

Song of summer: River by Leon Bridges

Go-to cocktail: Prosecco with lemon and sparkling water

70's or 90's: 70's most of the time

Signature nail polish color: Really dark blue

Go-to clean food: The freshest salad full of superfoods and a dreamy tahini dressing

Signature smoothie ingredients: Greens, herbs and coconut water

Cheat day food: There is no such thing as cheating! 

Favorite wellness product/ritual: Eating my water


Filed Under: Balance, Dancing, Eat clean play dirty, Interview

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