Meet Your Oral Microbiome


Meet Your Oral Microbiome 

Turns out, it plays a crucial component in your head-to-toe health  Read more

Your Hormonal Health Guide


Your Hormonal Health Guide 

Tips on how to eat for your hormone health  Read more

Sex Suffering?


Sex Suffering? 

Male testosterone's declining. Can nutrition fix it?  Read more

Here’s How to Age Backwards


Here’s How to Age Backwards 

Want secrets to a longer healthspan? Try our Signature program.  Read more

Why is Community Important to Your Health?


Why is Community Important to Your Health? 

From boosting self-confidence to easing anxiety  Read more

The Science of Burnout


The Science of Burnout 

Plus a stress-lowering checklist  Read more

How the Hangover Happens


How the Hangover Happens 

The science behind why we wake up with nausea, headaches, and more   Read more

How to Stay Regular While Traveling


How to Stay Regular While Traveling 

It’s no surprise travel can cause system-wide disruption  Read more

How to Keep Healthy While Traveling


How to Keep Healthy While Traveling 

Jetsetting? Don’t let a cold ruin your trip   Read more

Does Your Microbiome Rule Your Metabolism?


Does Your Microbiome Rule Your Metabolism? 

Breaking down the latest research on the connection  Read more

The Fat You Want: Brown Adipose Tissue


The Fat You Want: Brown Adipose Tissue 

Boost metabolism and ease inflammation with the help of this metabolically active fat  Read more

What Are Cravings?


What Are Cravings? 

The science behind them—and beating them, too  Read more

Demystifying Anti-Nutrients


Demystifying Anti-Nutrients 

They’re not as alarming as they may sound  Read more

The Health Benefits Behind Heat


The Health Benefits Behind Heat 

From boosting athletic performance to sparking libido  Read more

What are the Symptoms of a Leaky Gut?


What are the Symptoms of a Leaky Gut? 

From everyday discomfort to chronic diseases and disorders  Read more

How Antibiotics Affect Your Gut Health


How Antibiotics Affect Your Gut Health 

And what you can do to support your system   Read more

Eat to Relieve Menopause Symptoms


Eat to Relieve Menopause Symptoms 

Nutrition and lifestyle choices to support a new stage.  Read more

Building Immunity With Food


Building Immunity With Food 

With Sakara Science Council Member Dr. William Li  Read more