S-Life Mag

Your source for nourishment, inspiration, and joy

On Tarot cards, plant-powered nutrition, and the routines and rituals that keep them most grounded

Phillip Picardi and Darien Sutton are a power couple, to say the least. For Picardi, writer, editor, and recent graduate of Harvard Divinity School, and Sutton, emergency medicine physician and social media medical influencer, nourishment (in mind, body, and spirit) is of the utmost importance for fueling their packed days. 

The Sakaralite duo is taking said nourishment to the next level as they join us for our fall 30-Day Reset—fully recommitting to the rituals that make them feel most energized, empowered, and at peace in their bodies. 

 We sat down to discuss their go-to grounding rituals and more, covering everything from morning Tarot card readings and soothing laps in the pool to big bowls of verdant greens. Read on for their tokens of wisdom. 


On Food As Medicine

Phillip: “Sakara helps me to take a lot of the guess-work out of more mindful, healthy eating. I also feel great about adding my own proteins or sauces to a salad or a superfood bowl to give it my own spin. I know I can rely on Sakara meals to keep me on track and ensure I’m making the best decisions for my body.” 

Darien: “You can have food that’s great for your body, and also tastes great! I often remind patients that ‘food is fuel’ and enjoying Sakara reminds me that I can replenish and rehydrate with a meal that is still delicious. It also allows me to restructure my meal times; now I’m able to have a meal prior to working out without feeling like it’s inhibiting my goals.” 


On Plant Power

P: “My first personal trainer was Joe Holder, who (among other things) is known for preaching the virtues of a plant-based lifestyle. Joe was the first person who encouraged me to keep a food journal so I could see how my nutrition was either helping or hurting my fitness goals… A lot of my other health concerns—psoriasis and gut issues, mainly—had at least something to do with inflammation, and I figured changing some of my diet might help."


On Food and Feelings

P: “Let’s just be honest: It’s not just healthy food that makes you feel good. Sometimes that slice of chocolate cake is the best part of your dinner, and you’re not satisfied until you’ve had a bite. And then? We all know that nice buzz a good green juice gives you. I think our bodies need to feel a full range of feelings, tastes, and desires in order to be happy, healthy, and balanced.” 


On the Most Important Meal of the Day

D: “My mornings are when I feel the most creative, inspired, and driven—my first meal is my most important one. After Sakara meals, I feel vibrant and ready to take on obstacles at work and home.” 


On Desert Island Products

P: “I’ve been loving the Metabolism Super Powder, especially because it contains L-Glutamine, an essential ingredient for a healthy gut and muscle recovery. Also, the Detox Water Drops. Chlorophyll has long been one of my favorite ways to add a punch to my water.” 


On Doctor’s Orders

D: “In practicing medicine and treating complex diseases, I’m often reminded that there are some simple essential things we should all prioritize: quality sleep, regular movement, exercise, and, most importantly, nutrition. Every day I ask myself, ‘What have I done for Darien?’ It’s a simple yet effective reminder that I need to put myself and my health first.” 


On Morning Readings

P: “Every morning, I journal and pull a few Tarot cards based on a question or feeling that’s on my mind.” 


On Reading as Ritual

P: “Reading is the place where I feel the most at home in my mind and my body. If I’m not reading a book, the chances are, I’m feeling overwhelmed or anxious or scattered. I love Anne Lamott, Adrienne Maree Brown, and Terry Tempest Williams for quick passages that offer big insight.”


On Defining Results

P: “While it’s true that the perfect day and night of eating and working out will make you feel amazing the next day, so can a wild night out with your best friends and loved ones. Results mean you have to feed your body and your soul, and not get lost in too much of one thing.”

D: “I keep it simple. I ask myself, ‘Are you doing better than last time?’ I also give myself some grace—I know that I’m human and it's normal to stumble or fall but what’s important is getting back up.” 


On Go-To Movement Practices

P: “I really love the power and groundedness that comes from weightlifting, and the reward you feel when you’ve moved more weight than you ever have before.”

D: “Swimming! Being in the water is more than a workout, it's therapeutic. The water reminds me to reset, and it grounds me.” 


On To-Go Travel Essentials

P: “I mix a serving of Metabolism Super Powder with a serving of protein powder and keep them in Ziploc bags—reserving one for each day of travel. If I can’t find a good smoothie place, I just mix in with a little bit of coffee and oat milk.”


On What You’ll Never Find Him Without

​​D: “A container of ice cold water. Dehydration is such a common affliction that I treat patients for every day in the ER. The majority of us are not drinking the adequate amount of fluid our bodies need so I’m very serious about my water intake. I also grab Sakara’s Energy Effervescents to give me that extra boost.”


On Empowering One Another

P: “Everyone’s ways of being loved and supported are different. Ours tend to come the most from respecting each other’s autonomy and making space for that in a non-judgmental, non-possessive fashion.” 


Photography by Vanessa Grande

Filed Under: 30-day reset, A day in the sakara life, Darien sutton, Features

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