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Andrew Lande-Shannon wears many hats, one of which includes an equestrian helmet. As the Director of Store Experience at Madison Reed in San Francisco, the Bay Area local is a busy family man with a husband, toddler son, dog and horse named Charlie, [who they ride regularly in the stables of Marin before work]. "I have a two-year-old, so I need as much energy as possible for both of us— to be in the best shape possible and not to be sluggish."

A self-proclaimed casual cleanser, Andrew was in search of something deeply healthful but convenient. He was seeking transformation but without the stress of DIY. Perhaps most importantly, he didn’t want to, as he calls it “go insane from starvation.” Enter, Sakara Level II: Detox – five days of an elimination diet cleanse, but with whole food, medical-grade supplements, gut-healing kefir, detoxifying medicinal broth, dry-brushing, and health coach love + encouragement along the way. 

See below for Andrew’s daily report, his physical and mental takeaways, and his overall review of the Level II: Detox.


DAY 1 (Wednesday)

How I’m feeling, physically: My energy level in the day was OK, but by Wednesday night I was feeling pretty tired and had low energy. 

How I’m feeling, mentally: I was more emotional than normal, so I kept to myself and listened to meditation music at work. I made a point to meditate this morning on my first day and balance my mind.

DAY 1 Takeaways

  • My body is going to respond to this well, but I need to be gentle on myself.
  • Resisting the urge to reach for an apple to snack is going to be hard when I’m hungry.
  • Food was great and because it’s raw vegetables it made me eat slower (which is good for me because I eat too fast).
  • Tea was nice to have mid-morning
  • The coconut kefir was the perfect pick up for mid-afternoon.
  • Love the dry brushing. It was very energizing.

DAY 2 (Thursday)

How I’m feeling, physically: Woke with a good amount of energy but towards the end of the day I was feeling hungry and very tired when I was home.

How I’m feeling, mentally: Meditation really helps, as I still feel very emotional.


  • I am feeling the journey start and enjoying the discipline of the program.
  • As a working parent with a two-year-old boy, I have a lot going on and I like how simple and easy this is to follow
  • I could only handle 6 mins of the dry brushing tonight— my skin got sore.
  • I loved heating the breakfast up and coconut kefir again was the perfect pick me up.
  • I only added one extra cup of tea today which really helped.
  • Got lunch envy from some of the team today at work.

DAY 3 (Friday)

How I’m feeling, physically: I woke up with a good amount of energy, had a very peaceful sleep, and deep dreams. Feeling good in my body. My stomach feels light. I’ve lost the blotting on my face and it feels tighter and my skin looks really clear.

How I’m feeling, mentally: Not as emotional as the last few days, and feeling more balanced.

DAY 3 Takeaways:

  • My body does not need as much food as I normally eat.
  • Greens are great for breakfast.  
  • Still loving that coconut kefir.
  • Today we had our team work lunch, but I did not crack and I had my broth with the dumplings which were perfect. Everyone was drinking but I still felt present and connected to the moment. My body was not dependent on alcohol or food to enjoy the moment. I am content in the space within myself.
  • At times today, it was hard as I felt the hunger but drinking tea really helps.

DAY 4 (Saturday)

How do I’m feeling, physically: Woke with a lot of energy, had a solid night sleep.

How I’m feeling, mentally: Feeling sharp and focused. My emotional balance is back to normal.

DAY 4 Takeaways:  

  • Soup day was easier than I thought it would be.
  • My husband tried to steal my coconut kefir from me. He nearly lost his hand! ;)
  • The second green juice was hard after the soup, it was really sharp.
  • The detox has inspired me to be more disciplined with my family diet. We are all vegetarian and the only dairy we have is a sheep or goats milk—this week has made me rethink this.
  • The Transition Guide is really great with all the recipes, I can’t wait to make them.
  • The food has been amazing.

DAY 5 (Sunday)

How do I’m feeling, physically: I had SO much energy, I was like a rocket ship. I experienced incredible clarity, too. My husband commented on my skin, and from a vanity point, my stomach was flatter. I can’t wait to get back to yoga.

How I’m feeling, mentally: I feel SO good, and ready to shake things up!

DAY 5 Takeaways:

  • Be gentle with yourself, don’t overdo it.
  • As I cooked for my son, all I could think about was the rainbow colors of the vegetables I was using. New perspective!

Final Thoughts:

"I've done juice cleanses and they have been way harder. Sakara's detox program is life-changing. It's gentle and you feel taken care of, as if somebody's watching and guiding you. Doing Level II feels like a gift to yourself, and there are no judgments to what the outcome can be."


Sakara delivers nationwide throughout the continental 48 United States.  Depending on location, your Level II: Detox program may run Monday through Friday or Wednesday through Sunday. Learn more.

Filed Under: 5 day cleanse, Best 5 day cleanse, Best cleanse for weight loss, Cleanse

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