6:45 AM: My alarm goes off…snooze, snooze, snooze…
8:00 AM: Finally I open my eyes! I turn on the Himalayan salt lamp next to my bed and check any missed texts as well as my Instagram feed to awaken my creative brain—I follow a lot of designers, magazines, artists and creatives so starting the day with some visual inspiration helps set the tone. I also like to do some stretches in bed.
8:15 AM: Get up and throw on my cherished Canal Street kimono, make my bed and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth, tongue scrape and wash my face with my Mario Badescu Enzyme Cleansing Gel (I cleanse my face twice a day, morning and night, and always follow it with super cold rinses until i feel like my skin is nice and tight). One of my new daily rituals is “face yoga” or pressure points...I do this after cleansing if I’m feeling extra puffy.
8:30 AM: I either put on my Earth Tu Face Coconut Body Butter or Leahlani Replenishing Elixir and chug a Sakara Beauty Water for extra glow. Next I throw on something presentable and spray my bed, my room and myself with my patchouli herb water. Scents are very important to me and I love having my space smell heavenly, especially as I'm leaving it.
9:00 AM: My walk to work is about a mile. Without even trying, I’m clocking about two miles of walking a day, which is great because I always get some physical activity whether or not I make it to the gym. Also, getting some fresh air first thing is great for clearing my head before I get into the office to check all my emails.
9:30 AM: I’ve recently become addicted to ghee and can’t get enough of it. This ritual is probably my favorite part of the day and makes me excited to get to work! I brew some hazelnut coffee with cinnamon on top of the grinds. I add a tablespoon of ghee to my hot coffee, a tablespoon of Moon Juice Beauty Dust, top with almond mylk, and...heaven! This is when I also eat my Sakara breakfast...I’m not a huge breakfast person but I always feel the best when I know what I’m putting into my body is clean, healthy fuel for the day.
2:00 PM: Luckily I’m not sitting at my desk the entire day...I’m usually up and down taking photos for Sakara campaigns and S-Life Mag articles. When I am at my desk, I sit on a stability ball, which helps keep my core strong and stop the corporate spread! I grab a Sakara lunch when I get a few minutes and try to eat at a standing desk instead of hunched over my computer.
4:00 PM: I’m most likely craving something sweet at this point in the day, so it’s either a Sakara Probiotic Chocolate, a piece of fruit, half of a leftover Sakara breakfast or the occasional chocolate chip cookie that makes its way onto my desk…
6–6:30 PM: If I didn’t have time to work out in the morning (and I don’t have to work too late), then this is the time to get a sweat sesh in. I hit up Equinox, go for a run outside or take a class at Bari, SoulCycle, Kula Yoga, whatever I’m in the mood for...or wherever I’m persuaded to go to by a co-worker! At Sakara, you always have a workout buddy which is the best. Lately I’ve been trying to do a daily sweat to relieve stress and get out toxins, so if I can’t make a workout then I’ll hop into our infrared sauna for about 50 minutes at 145 degrees. FYI: the sauna works miracles on a hangover…but you didn’t hear that from me!
8:00 PM: If I’m not completely exhausted and don’t have leftover work that needs to get done, I usually go for dinner and drinks with friends. I try to eat healthy and clean as much as possible during the day (easy to do with my Sakara meals) so I don’t feel guilty about indulging a bit at dinner. It is New York City after all and there are endless restaurants to go to, things to do and people to see! If i want to go out to eat but still want to have a healthy meal, I usually opt for a piece of fish, veggies and some red wine, but I’m also at the point in my life where I don’t feel the need to deprive myself. So if my favorite Italian restaurant is calling my name then I have no qualms about enjoying a bowl of pasta with some oh-so-delicious bread. Oh, and dessert, almost always!
11:00 PM: Hopefully I’m home and getting ready for bed. Upon entering my room, I switch on my Himalayan salt lamp and bistro string lights—mood lighting is everything. I also unpack my bag from the day, hang up my clothes and jacket and put my room in order so that it feels put together and serene for sleeping and then waking up. It’s a nice way to feel organized at the end of a long day. I try to keep my bedroom as sacred as possible. I take a quick rinse-off or just clean my face, teeth brush, use my tongue scraper and splash on some rosewater toner. Then I light some palo santo and crawl into bed. I’m a huge fan of lotioning my hands and elbows before I sleep, so I keep my favorite Kiss My Face Honey Lotion next to my bed. I’ll quickly check emails and make sure all work is complete for the morning. If I haven’t already passed out then I may put on a movie or show on my computer, but will usually only make it through about 20 minutes before I’m off to dreamland. During the 4-Week Transformation, I’ve been doing one of Ally Bogard’s meditations at bedtime, which is a great way to quiet my mind. Zzzzzzzzzzz