Look, I’ve always wanted to be the kind of person who drinks the recommended eight glasses of water per day.
In reality, I’m the person who drinks two (maybe three…) cups of coffee in the morning, has an iced tea with lunch, and then maybe gets around to four glasses of H2O in the afternoon. Before, you know, switching to wine.
A few months ago, I challenged myself to try the recommended amount. I’d down a glass first thing in the morning, another between cups of coffee, and gulp through a large bottle on the subway on my way to work. It worked for a week or so, and then I was right back to my usual routine.
Why? One, let’s be honest: Water just never sounds good in the morning. Even adding fruit slices or herbs just didn’t really do it for me, at least not when compared to cold brew. And two, I really didn’t notice any difference between eight glasses and four, except for maybe needing a few more trips to the restroom.
But when a friend suggested that I try Beauty Water (along with the recommendation to drink it first thing in the morning), I decided to give my hydration experiment another go-round. Could refrigerator-cold water infused (and oh-so-delicately flavored) with rosewater and boosted with minerals be what made me change my ways?
If you're not familiar, Sakara's Beauty Water, is a cult favorite amongst Victoria's Secret models, A-List stars, and NYC's elite, but not mainstream yet. Unlike the regular bottled water you find in stores, their water has anti-inflammatory organic rosewater, a blend of 72 ionic trace minerals, and silica which is said to help cells soak up water to provide your body with the deep cellular hydration it needs for smooth, bright skin, optimal digestion.
But the big question on my mind was: Does it actually work and taste good?
First of all, I’m obsessed with the taste. I actually wanted to get up and drink it before my coffee. Rosewater is definitely a specific flavor, but I found it far more delightful than any of the lemon-lime-cucumber-mint concoctions I had tried in the past. (I also didn’t have to go buy said lemon, lime, cucumber, or mint, a definite plus.)
Secondly, that first delicious bottle of water inspired me to drink more. It sounds weird, but I looked forward to the flavor of water.
I kept this up for three weeks, (I MADE IT THREE WEEKS!) sipping it every day, and I definitely feel those benefits I was hoping for. My face feels smoother (especially in the morning, when I typically wake up with red splotches and pillow lines), and I don’t have to bathe my hands in lotion eight times a day. Sakara claims that the silica “deeply hydrate cells, detoxify the body and support collagen,” so I’m excited to see what happens with this crow’s feet situation around my eyes. (Beauty Water, it turns out, is a hell of a lot cheaper than eye cream.)
In short, this skeptic is now a convert. A happy, hydrated convert.
You can purchase Beauty Water concentrates on Amazon starting at $39.