S-Life Mag

Your source for nourishment, inspiration, and joy

Each year we host three 4-week programs: The first one in January focuses on setting intentions and creating healthy habits for the year, the spring Best Body Challenge is a more physical challenge to get you ready for the summer months, and finally, the fall program is about giving you the tools to create wellness practices that help keep you happy and healthy through the hectic holiday season and beyond. 

We decided to dedicate this fall's 4-Week Wellness Transformation to Body Intelligence. Your body holds innate wisdom. It has the ability to transform, to heal itself and ultimately to guide you to toward your true destiny, if you decide to listen.

The tools you'll receive over the next four weeks will help you quiet the outside noise so that you can tune in to that deeper inner voice and tap into your authentic self. It starts with nutrition, and feeding your microbiome (the healthy bacteria in your body, especially the gut!) the food it needs to build up your immune system, balance your hormones and boost your energy levels. If your physical health is lacking or out of balance, you won't be able to reach your fullest potential in other areas of life, so food will be a constant theme all month long.

Then, we've brought in some of our friends and experts from the wellness industry to provide additional modalities for strengthening your intuition and using your own body intelligence to guide you through life.

You have all the answers you will ever need—it's just about setting yourself up to discover them.

With love,

Whitney & Danielle

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