S-Life Mag

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The list of celebs who swear by pilates is robust and impressive (Kate Hudson, Jennifer Aniston, Lea Michelle... just to name a few...). But, to be honest, when the clock hits 6 PM and we're heading out the door in our workout gear to get our sweat on, we rarely choose Pilates over something like...SoulCycle. Why? Because it feels like those sexy results we want are created on the bike, not the mat. But while it may feel like that in our simple minds....Kate, Jennifer, Lea, and the rest of the Pilates tribe beg to differ. And have the abs (arms, and asses) to prove it.

We sat down with our favorite Pilates Guru/Babe/Badass/Girl Boss, Heather Andersen of New York Pilates, to get the scoop on why everyone absolutely, positively should be doing Pilates.


How did you get into Pilates?

I started Pilates as a pre-teen to cross train for ballet and have been obsessed ever since. Pilates changed how I thought about my body and really taught me about alignment, and deeply strengthened my abdominals.


What makes Pilates different? Should everyone do it?

EVERYONE SHOULD DO PILATES! Pilates has a different perspective than many other exercise regimens. Our main goal is healthy movement and a deepened mind body connection, which allows you to safely strength train and build up your stabilizing muscles.  At NYP, our passion is functional strength and healthy alignment, which help keep you injury free. If you sit in a chair all day, have back pain, are an avid athlete, or walk around the city in high heels while carrying around a 15 lb. handbag, then Pilates is definitely for you!


What are some unexpected benefits of Pilates?

Pilates will change your life and the way you consider your body.  Plus, all of that deep abdominal and pelvic floor strengthening increases sensation (read: pleasure) in the bedroom.


What other exercises are great to supplement a Pilates regimen with?

The question should be, What activities is Pilates a supplement for? The answer is all. From cycling, running, climbing, swimming, to cross fit, you name it, Pilates is THE healthy rehabilitative cross training that strengthens and stabilizes. My personal routine includes ballet class, the elliptical (which is my “me” time to watch trashy television and Jane Austin movies), and an occasional yoga class along with Pilates three to four times per week.


What are good workout clothes to support a Pilates regimen (sorry your workout clothes are too cute we had to ask...)?

One of my favorite things about the Pilates clothing situation is that you don’t need sneakers and your sweating is kept to a “light dew”, which makes it perfect for “work out” to “going out” looks. My fav looks include: shredded boyfriend (husband) t-shirts or crops (we have a bunch of NYP crops that I wear constantly), old school dancewear (hello unitards!), and soft structured leggings. I’m a sucker for leopard print or black on black patterns. If you haven't checked out our online shop, I recommend it.  We have super fun limited edition items that cycle in and out all the time, they are so cute!


What makes NYP different?

We take the music very seriously and play music from top NYC DJs. Design and decor are a priority and vibe is king. We created a place that is downtown, chic, safe, fun, supportive, and cool. A Pilates studio for people who love music, caring teachers and an ever growing community of students. I was a Pilates instructor for 8 years before I opened the studio and I've seen it all. I’ve worked in every position from desk staff to instructor and now owner of multiple studios and understand how the business operates from the perspective of every single employee and the clients’ perspective. which influences decisions and policies. We also really highlight our instructors as “the talent” of NYP, and it ensures we have the best instructors in the industry.


Mantra/Quote you live by?

Live life like art.


Favorite clean eats?

Cashews, seaweed snacks, seltzer & coldbrew (coffee) are what we keep for the instructors in the studio and at the office.


Favorite dirty play?

I LOVE getting dressed. I have a rule for myself to get dressed everyday, even if I am just going to change into leggings when I get to the studio. A great outfit changes my day, and I’m always ready to go out after work on a whim! Also, I’m a sucker for french fries, fresh berries and whipped cream, NYC staycations (love a hotel stay), and the occasional steak and pasta.

Filed Under: Body + movement, Features, Heather andersen, Interviews

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