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How many decisions do we make in a day? If you ask the Internet, about 35,000. It’s a staggering estimate, but one that’s also exhilarating and empowering. The choices we make every 24 hours, big or small, impact our health—meaning the power to feel better, look better, and create a life we love living is in our own hands. 

When it comes to taking control of our health, metabolism is the perfect place to start. You may have thought that this beautifully complex chain of chemical reactions that your body uses to convert food into energy is fated by your genetics, but you can actually influence it through daily habits like nutrition, exercise, sleep, and mindfulness. By incorporating rituals that promote proper metabolic function into your routine, you maximize the nutrients from your food to balance hormones, boost energy, and improve sex drive and quality of sleep.

Looking for more ways to stoke your metabolism? Read on for our 24-hour tips for keeping your inner fire ignited from sunrise until lights out. 


Sleeping in on the weekends can feel so good, but it’s wise to wake up at the same time seven days a week if you can. Sleep is crucial to a healthy metabolism because of how it’s linked to your endocrine system. When your body doesn’t get sufficient time to properly recharge, it can throw the hormones that influence hunger and satiety out of sync. A consistent sleep schedule will help keep your whole system in balance.

Instead of falling victim to the AM Instagram scroll or the lure of a full inbox, open a meditation app or practice a breathwork exercise. Even a quick five minutes can calm your nervous system and regulate cortisol (the stress hormone that’s the enemy of a healthy metabolism), helping you start your day on a centered, peaceful, and positive note.


Make this the year you incorporate self-care into your morning routine. Don’t rely on coffee alone or skip breakfast—or any meal, for that matter. If nurturing your metabolism for optimal weight is your goal, calorie restriction will actually have the opposite of the intended effect; not eating enough causes your metabolism to slow. Choose a breakfast that’s light and easy, but still packs in lots of nutrients. Try this chocolate-cherry smoothie with a scoop of Metabolism Super Powder, which contains functional ingredients that fire up the digestive system, ease bloat, and help curb sugar cravings.

Ritualize your A.M. cup of coffee with a daily dose of Metabolism Super Powder and splash of plant milk, whisking together until frothy. Sip your plant-powered latte in the sunshine if you can—a few minutes of protected sun exposure in the morning can help regulate melatonin levels and set you up for a metabolism-supporting good night’s sleep later on.


Every meal is an opportunity to focus on abundance. Make sure you’re getting enough of the good stuff by filling your plate with as many different plant foods as you can. (Each day on the 30-Day Reset, you enjoy over 70 diverse plant ingredients.) Variety is key—it helps you get the broad spectrum of nutrients you need for metabolic health. Mealtime doesn’t have to be boring; play with colorful ingredients, add fresh herbs, and change up your dressings and sauces to elevate your days without Sakara meals.

If you spend a lot of your day in front of a screen, consider blue-light-blocking glasses or a screen filter to protect you from that artificial glow, which can disrupt your circadian rhythm and adversely affect your sleep.  

You may have thought...your body is fated by genetics, but you can actually influence it through daily habits like nutrition, exercise, sleep, and mindfulness. 

Before you call it a day, make movement a priority. Movement is essential to feeling your best in mind and body—igniting metabolism, increasing fat-burning muscle mass, and elevating mood (specifically, down-regulating the stress hormone cortisol while triggering feel-good endorphins). Find the form of movement that brings you joy—and remember that a long walk, bike ride, or even some solo or partnered pleasure time are just as good as a 45-minute online sculpting class. Consistency is the key here.

Our pro-tip: If you need a boost of energy or need to refuel your muscles, add a Metabolism Protein Super Bar to your exercise regimen. This protein-rich snack bar is made with whole-food, plant ingredients, and doubles as an edible supplement as it contains clinically-studied actives (brown seaweed and pomegranate seed oil) that help turn on thermogenesis in the body. This is a metabolic process that activates stagnant, stubborn white fat and enhances your lipid metabolism to burn the excess.  


According to the National Institute of Health, your metabolism benefits from an overnight fast. No complicated time-keeping is really necessary; we just recommend eating dinner at a time that accommodates around 12 hours to rest, digest, and recharge (and try to finish your evening meal no later than 8pm). 

Cultivate self-loving evening rituals to begin your wind down, like dry brushing, a warm bath with essential oils and salts, or reflective journaling. Replace your evening phone scroll or other screen-centric activities with these practices and notice how much easier it is to achieve a quiet mind.


As the day comes full circle, aim for lights out at a consistent time each night. A cup of herbal tea serves dual purposes because not only can it curb late-night sweet cravings, but if you choose one with soothing herbs like lemongrass and rose, it will also encourage a calming state. 

If you have trouble falling asleep, another meditation or breathwork practice can help relax you. (So can having an orgasm. Just saying.)

Sweet dreams, Sakaralite.


Filed Under: Beat fatigue, Increase energy, Metabolism super powder, No bloat

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