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Hormones are often associated with our menstrual cycle (and the mood, mind, and body shifts that may occur throughout it). But these critical chemical messengers play a much bigger role in our overall health than many of us may realize. From lasting energy to optimal shut-eye, hormones influence our body's ability to function properly—and we can take actionable steps to encourage them, and our overall vitality, to flourish.

A key player in the health of our hormones? Nutrition. What we eat can directly influence the production of our hormones, how our body metabolizes and utilizes them, and when they're excreted—maintaining the delicate dance of hormones within that helps us feel our best.

We’ve tapped our in-house nutritionist, Colleen Coffey, MS, RDN, LDN, to provide a guide to hormone-loving nutrients and the foods that bring them to life.




Prebiotic + Plant Fibers = Hormone Cleansers: Found in chia seeds, lentils, fruit, and leafy greens, high-fiber foods ensure smooth liver performance by binding to toxins and excess hormones, gently moving them out through the digestive system. When toxins and excess hormones are efficiently removed from the body, your hormone levels balance out, helping your body's systems function optimally and blissfully.


Healthy Fats = Hormone Producers: Nuts, seeds, and olives bring the essential fatty acids to support hormone production, ensuring our hormones are properly primed for their unique functions, impacting everything from skin health to brain function. When our hormones are properly nourished? Say hello to a radiant visage and goodbye to sudden mood swings.


Antioxidants = Hormone Protectors: Found in berries, bell peppers, and tomatoes, antioxidants protect your endocrine system from oxidative stress by neutralizing free radicals, preserving hormone-producing cells and enhancing detoxification.


Plant Protein = Hormone Builder: Plant proteins, like quinoa, chickpeas, and tofu, are the backstage crew that ensure that your hormones perform flawlessly. They set the stage for optimal hormone function through hormone synthesis, transport, and receptor signaling, and also produce peptide hormones such as corticotrophins, which control the release of cortisol (a hormone that helps the body cope with stress).


Cruciferous Vegetables = Hormone Detoxifiers: Cruciferous veggies (like Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, and kale) contain compounds, like indole-3-carbinol and sulforaphane, that support the liver in metabolizing and eliminating excess hormones, particularly estrogen (too much estrogen can cause bone loss, PMS symptoms, and weight gain). Plus, they can help reduce menopause symptoms.


Probiotics = Hormone Regulators: The gut and its microbiome are the real MVPs in hormone regulation. Nourish your microbiome with a high-quality probiotic and foods rich in probiotics—such as Lactobacillus, integral for maintaining gut balance (found in coconut yogurt, kombucha, and sauerkraut)—that promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and influence hormone production and balance.


Rainbow-Colored Produce = Hormone Heroes: Plants in shades of deep greens, vivid reds, and rich purples are our muses—and the key to getting our hormones to operate harmoniously. Brightly colored produce is filled with phytochemicals and phytonutrients, which interact with hormone receptors in the body, affecting how hormones signal and exert their effects on target tissues to either enhance or dampen hormonal responses. (Just another reason why we champion 70+ diverse ingredients each and every day on our program.)


The secret to high-functioning hormones lies in the power of food. By consciously choosing nourishment, you're on your way to radiant health and vitality. So, go on: Embrace the vibrant colors, nutrients, and plant-rich goodness, then tune into how your body and mind truly feel. 

Happy hormone healing, Sakaralite.

Filed Under: Balancing hormones, Detox, Detox at home, Detox diet plan

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