S-Life Mag

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“That's So Retrograde”, the successful podcast and brainchild of hosts Stephanie Falcon Simbari + Elizabeth Schild Kott is a wellness podcast with a pop culture spin— and it just so happens, pop culture is talking a whole lot about "wellness." Here at Sakara Life we love them for their irreverence, curiosity, and for making wellness approachable to anyone, and at any stage in their journey. If you dig into the archives and stick with them week over week, it's a sure bet you'll be introduced to someone/ something that will significantly up your cool factor and your worldview. Topics seen through their "well" lens range from gender fluidity, detoxing from Adderall, manifesting your dreams, menstrual cycle 101, dealing with the political climate, and beyond.

While growing an ultra successful podcast is achievement enough, they’re also doing things their own way, on their own terms. We listeners are along for the ride as they navigate and mold their careers with a commitment to being real, and a dedication to their partnership, community, and mission. Steph and Elizabeth’s story illuminates what we hope for ourselves and for our best friends: a healthy sense of self worth, and commitment to ongoing personal growth, clarity of purpose, and a generosity of spirit infused in everything they do. They are building their reality piece by crystal piece, with a dash of punk rock attitude, an adaptogenic morning tonic, and their trusty astrologer by their side.



First things first, Sun/Moon/Rising Signs?

Stephanie Simbari: sun: scorpio // moon: cancer  // rising: taurus

Elizabeth Kott: sun: taurus // moon: taurus // rising: scorpio

If you could gift everyone one piece of wisdom you've gained, what would that be?

Elizabeth Kott: UGH so much wisdom!! At this moment I feel called to say & remind everyone that there is no “one size fits all” when it comes to any self care practice.

Stephanie Simbari: My wisdom is to take it slow. Try things one at a time and really pay attention and tune in to how each practice or supplement makes you feel and then add things incrementally.

Why does this movement around "wellness" matter?

Elizabeth Kott: In the proper light, the “wellness” movement at its core, is about shifting our focus from the external to the internal. I think as a trend, this is a direct product of the deepening of our social consciousness. It matters because the movement revolves around wanting to have a deeper, more meaningful, well-being focused life.  Whether “trendy" or not - it is exciting to be a part of this conversation and just as enthralling to sit back and witness. I think above all it is the shift in consciousness that matters most.

Stephanie Simbari: I think we are living in a time when it's becoming increasingly imperative for people to have a consciousness around their health needs and how to take true personal responsibility for caring for them because traditional systems and methods are failing us.



You have something really special with your group of girlfriends - both in your love for one another and how much cool stuff you are all up to. How did this come to be?

Elizabeth Kott: I am truly dazzled by the women in our circle. In terms of how it came about, it happened really organically and inclusively. I think [it was cultivated] because we are all on the same wavelength, on our own paths, and out in this world creating. The comfiness of the circle has been a very grounding and expansive force for us all. Also, we all like to craft while eating copious amounts of fries and getting fucked up so that's a through line that binds us all. #balance

Stephanie Simbari: It has been very intentional for all of us - knowing there was a world out there where we could have close, supportive girlfriends without cattiness or drama. The great thing about being a grown up is you can decide how you want to have relationships and if everyone wants the same thing then it becomes really easy to cultivate a loving space.

What work have you done to strengthen your partnership, and navigate being BFF's and Co-Founders?

Elizabeth Kott: We basically did non-romantic partner couples counseling through our astrologer Ambi Kavanagh, it was like traditional therapy but she also integrated our astro charts for us to gain a deeper understanding of one another and our overall partnership. #soretrograde. This was essential in helping us work through some blocks and fine tune our communication skills as it pertains to the partnership.

Stephanie Simbari: both of us really really value communication and calling things out and trusting that we truly love each other and love our baby and everything is in service to both of those loves.



Where do you personally hope to grow in the coming year? And same for the podcast?

Stephanie Simbari: Personally I have a side project I'm getting off the ground that I would really like to see come to fruition (sorry to be so vague but when it gets birthed you'll know what I meant!) and as far as TSR goes I want to expand our audience so more people receive the message and begin doing the good work for themselves and for us to move into other aspects of media - expansion and growth while still holding down our anchor, the pod.

Your work has become an act of service to your listeners helping to get new information out in the world- what does that mean to you, how does this motivate you, and how has this guided the way you manage the podcast?

Elizabeth Kott: Ever since I was really young I knew my skill was to link people- as I have grown into the idea I like to use the phrase "master connector” because it sounds fancy but truly, this podcast has become a platform to do that on an extreme scale: connecting our audience with people and ideas that ultimately may better their life - there is nothing quite as sacred as that to me.

Stephanie Simbari: Well thank you for saying that! And realizing this as truth has guided me personally into taking more responsibility for myself and making healthier more conscious choices daily, as I come to understand that it's not just for me but for the people that are looking to us as guides. I can truly feel and see us holding space for a community and that feels like an immense responsibility and incredible gift and one that I don't take lightly. We are still human though so it’s been interesting to give myself space to fuck up in my life exploration while still planting my feet solidly into the ground as I commit to certain lifestyle choices and practices to be able to be a larger container.



What do you want your legacy to be?

Elizabeth Kott: Legacy? Hmm... to quote Dorinda from Real Housewives of NYC: “I made it nice”.

Stephanie Simbari: That I was loving, that I was truthful, that I was funny.




Elizabeth Kott:

Must read book: How to Murder Your Life by Cat Marnell

Podcast on rotation (besides your own)Pop Culture Happy Hour from NPR

Favorite Sakara snack: rosemary kale chipschia tortillas + shout out to the beauty + detox water concentrates

Daily indulgence: TV

Wellness non-negotiable: dance classes at Sweat Spot in Silver Lake, and friendship

One word for 2018: Fantastic


Stephanie Simbari:

Must read bookThe Untethered Soul

Podcast on rotation (besides your own)Anna Faris is Unqualified

Favorite Sakara snackchia tortillas OR the rosemary kale chips

Daily indulgence: Coconut milk latte from Kreation w/ stevia

Wellness non-negotiable: B vitamins - Lypospheric and sublingual

One word for 2018: EXPANSION


Filed Under: Astrology, Clean boutique, Crystals, Discover

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