S-Life Mag

Your source for nourishment, inspiration, and joy

*Introducing the first ever Sakara Hot List! We're bringing you exclusive content from a carefully curated group of influencers who, frankly, just get us HOT. We searched high and low for the hottest artists, creators, entrepreneurs, fitness-pros, and all-around influential tastemakers who motivate and inspire us with the unique and daring ways they are turning their #thoughtstothings.



Our love affair with Amanda Booth began after a late-night deep dive into an Instagram tunnel, but unlike the other models that fill our Instagram feed, Amanda's story is different. After her son, Micah, was diagnosed with Down Syndrome at 3 months, Amanda made it a mission to use her social platform in a major way: to defy the negative stereotypes associated with people and children living with Down Syndrome.

Amanda displays her life with husband, Mike, and Micah exactly as it is: beautifully loving, uniquely challenging, but most importantly, as just another family growing together. With a goal to, "make people aware, give them a hand to walk with, a shoulder to borrow, and clear eyes to see the possibilities of this life", Amanda works to display Micah's ability rather than his disability. To the thousands of other women around the world who will, are or have gone through raising a child with special needs, Amanda is a source of hope. To us, she is raw inspiration to face life with open arms and grace.

Her unwavering dedication to switching up the script while bringing awareness is why we're so excited and honored to spotlight Amanda and bring her fire to the #SakaraHotList.  



Name:  Amanda Booth @amanda_booth


Location:  Los Angeles, CA


Job:  Actress, Model, and Mom! 


Mission:  To educate people on how incredible the lives of people living with Down Syndrome today can be! To spread acceptance, and understanding. To show what unconditional love looks like, and how beautiful it all can be if you just let life take the lead. 


Favorite Sakara meal to heat up:  THE CHILI AND CORN BREAD!!! I love hearty meals, and chili has always been a favorite. It’s hard to get the heat level just right, and the spice was perfect! 


Favorite winter activity:  Snuggling and watching movies! It’s an all time seasonal favorite, just seems it more acceptable during the cold winter months. :) 


Song that gets you hot:  In two ways, The Spill Canvas - Connect the Dots ( it’s pretty sexual ), but moving hot… Comeback Kid - Wake the Dead 


What do you do to stay hot? Why does it work?  I have a two year old who is a non napping, tornado force of energy that requires a lot of chasing around all day! He keeps all the things pumping! When he’s gone to bed, my husband keeps me hot! Quite literally, he is a hot rock and I’m always shoving my feet under his legs to warm them up!! 


When do you feel hot?  I feel hot when my son makes me smile big, which is most hours of the day. In the hard times, its tough and not pretty, and there are certainly plenty of those moments. But when it all seems to be going smooth, and he’s happy and we’re connected…I really feel like I’m “doing it”. 


What's a hot project you're working on right now?  I just shot a campaign with my son and my husband! It’s not as often that the relationship of father and child is as celebrated, and it has been such an awesome experience capturing their relationship on camera! That’ll come out in Spring, and I can’t wait to share it! 


What next hot thing for motherhood?  I think the next hot thing in motherhood should be freedom to be honest and supportive! We are all in this together, and the sooner we realize that and take the pressure off of ourselves to be perfect, the sooner it’ll all make sense again! 

 amanda booth sakara life lianna tarantin

amanda booth sakara life lianna tarantin

amanda booth sakara life lianna tarantin

amanda booth sakara life lianna tarantin

amanda booth sakara life lianna tarantin


See who else is on the #SakaraHotList:

Amber Valletta

Babba Canales

Pia Arrobio

Kirsty Godso

Djuna Bel

Nicole Winhoffer

Catt Sadler

How You Glow

Amanda Kloots

Jenné Lombardo

Athena Calderone

Astrid Swan

Amanda Booth

Andrea Mary Marshall

Taryn Toomey


Filed Under: Amanda booth, Baby, Features, Hot list

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