S-Life Mag

Your source for nourishment, inspiration, and joy

On nature-based skincare, sharing nutritional wisdom with her children, and the healthy snacks in her carry-on this summer.

For cosmetic designer Gucci Westman, the path in life first shown to her turned out to be the truest to living in a well-nourished, radiant body. 

Growing up in California and Sweden, nearly all her meals came from the organic family garden, and she was taught to bring mindfulness to all her interactions with the world around her—including with the nourishment on her plate.

Fast-forward to her twenties, with Westman working her way up in the light speed-paced fashion industry. The constant air travel and long days shooting on set disrupted her consciousness-centered approach to nourishment, and her personal wellbeing got pushed way down to the bottom of her priority list.

Realizing she had wandered from her original path and was thrown off balance, she reshuffled her priority list. Westman re-centered attention to her own vitality by returning to nourishing herself with organic, whole foods—and immediately reaped the benefits.

Now, fans in-the-know when it comes to luxe, clean beauty reap the rewards too, via her brand’s range of sustainable beauty products made from plant-rich, organic ingredients and formulated to improve skin’s health and vibrancy. And it’s this shared ethos of harnessing the power of whole food, inside-out nutrition that drove our partnership on the Westman Atelier x Sakara Rituals for Radiance Edit beauty bundle of curated wellness and skincare essentials.

To celebrate the bundle’s launch, we caught up with Westman to find out why she champions nature-based skincare, how she’s passing nutritional wisdom along to her own children, and which healthy snacks she’s stashing in her carry-on this summer.


How has living and traveling all over the globe informed your approach to a plant-rich lifestyle?

I’ve been fortunate to travel the world as a professional makeup artist—I’m so grateful for the exposure to other cultures, and respectful of the differences in how we all approach food.

At the end of the day, though, I think you go back to your roots. I lived on an Ashram as a child and I’ve been a vegetarian since I was a kid. In my thirties, I tried [a clean eating program] that really sealed the deal for me in terms of no dairy. I’ve realized that my DNA definitely responds better to plant-based eating and nut-milk alternatives. I believe that experiencing any type of elimination program in regards to nutrition is invaluable—that 21-day proven period can be so revealing—so no matter how busy things get or how much travel I’m doing for work, I try to build that into my diet a few times a year.


When did you realize that our skin’s wellness depends both on what we put on it and into it?

In my early twenties, I was either on an airplane or shooting on-set seven days a week. My health was last on my priority list because I was so focused on my work. It didn’t feel like there was enough space for my personal wellbeing, much less planning what I was going to eat.

I didn’t actually figure out my exercise or my nutritional needs until my mid-thirties. The difference was night and day, of course. For me, consistency is really the biggest player in this game, and accepting that you have to be disciplined in your eating to maximize your energy and well-being.

These days, my rosacea is a pretty clear indication of the correlation between inner and outer well-being, and it’s not something I can always control. I didn’t eat a tomato for five years because it would trigger a flare up! I’ve learned how to manage things since then, but for better or worse, it’s a constant reminder of what’s going on with me internally.


What are a few of your go-to skin-nourishing ingredients? 

I’m a huge believer in ashwagandha and collagen-rich foods, and religious about probiotics, as everything works better when your gut is balanced, including your skin. 


As a working parent, how do you balance the changing nutritional needs and whims of your family members?

I have three kids, and I don’t know if I have it figured out! I try to go with natural instinct and I do the best that I can. 

I encourage them to limit their sugar intake, eat organic and local, and to think about where their food comes from. But I also try not to make food an issue or a struggle—if I show them by example that what they put in their bodies is truly important, I believe that someday, as they become independent and grow into their own lives, they’ll come back to what they know.


Were you surprised by any changes to your food rituals or habits when you first became a mom?

I grew up having a lot of pasta because as a vegetarian growing up in Sweden, where it’s all meat and potatoes. It’s remained my comfort food in adult life, but then I got gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with my first daughter, Gray. That’s when I switched over to brown rice pasta or quinoa pasta. When I’m in Italy, all bets are off. But for my day-to-day it’s largely brown rice pasta, which gives the satisfaction factor without the gluten.


What everyday things or experiences bring you joy?

Small harmonious interactions as a family brings me joy; the little moments when we all laugh together. Then I pause, reflect, and think, ‘I’m so grateful to be part of this.’ 

I’ve always believed that our children are our biggest teachers. Being in any relationship is a discipline that we learn from. When we’re learning, we’re growing. That can be quite hard at times, but I do find it a relief on many levels to be less self-oriented. 


What are your go-to healthy snacks when packing for your next trip?

When I travel or I’m heading to the city for a long day or appointment, I always throw the Beauty Protein Super Bars or Detox Protein Super Bars in my bag for an energy boost and some good protein. 


Why is Westman Atelier’s Clean Beauty Promise—your commitment to creating products as naturally as possible—vital to your brand mission?

I’ve always believed that we deserve to know that what we put in and on our bodies is safe. Now, as a brand founder, it’s so compelling to be part of a conversation that’s about striving actively to do better in this space—to educate and react to what’s happening in the world, always strive to do better, and be the best in class. At the end of the day, I can feel proud of the work we’re putting out there, and so can our entire team.


Why have you chosen to partner with Sakara?

I love that Danielle and Whitney live and breathe their mission. I love that they understand women’s bodies. I love the passion behind it, I love the product and I believe in the brand. 


Why is it important we correct the common misconception that one must compromise on taste or effectiveness for an organic product?

‘Green’ chemistry is evolving at lightning speed. Every year there are new ‘clean’ ingredients that weren’t available for formulations a few years before. What we all thought of as ‘natural makeup’ ten years ago has radically changed. And I think it’s the same when it comes to what we eat. 

Now, it’s about finding alternative ingredients that feel ethical and responsible, and educating people. Just because it was done a certain way for decades doesn’t mean it’s the only way to do it. It’s about being curious and pushing the envelope, not settling. My unspoken motto is, ‘Don’t take no for an answer.’ 

I truly believe it's raising the bar for all of us.


How do you live the Sakara Life?

Love, light, and consistency is key.


Filed Under: Beauty, Gucci westman, Inspirations, Interviews

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