S-Life Mag

Your source for nourishment, inspiration, and joy

Before a clean ingredient list became a pre-req for taking up the real estate in our cabinets, and oils became a staple of every flawless-faced woman, there was Josie Maran: actress, model, and founder of Josie Maran cosmetics. With an approach to “do good” in every sense of the word— for planet, our bodies, our spirit + self-esteem— Josie Maran can be thanked for making “green” cosmetics more posh. We got to sit and chat with the beautiful mastermind behind it all, on raising young girls, her mission, and what’s next in saving our skin.


We love to hear founders stories directly from them. Can you tell us about your journey to where you are now and about some of the challenges and surprises you've had along the way? 

I started my company from the ground up and put every penny I had into the business. There were some scary times at the beginning where my business manager would call and basically tell me that I had two more weeks before going bankrupt and losing my house. Fast forward 10 years, and now here I am! I had a dream to create a beauty company that would be wholeheartedly committed to being a force for good in every way. I wanted to create products that were good for you, good for the planet, and made you feel like the best version of yourself. I remind myself of that purpose and dream every single day. We’ve been learning and growing as a company for 10 years and now for the next 10 years, I’m ready for Josie Maran Cosmetics to become social change leaders in the business community through the platform of beauty.

What's a high point moment in your life, greatest satisfaction and /or achievement? 

Being a mom for my two daughters has created some of the greatest moments of my life. They have taught me so much about myself and who I truly am, which to me is the most fulfilling achievement. They remind me to explore, ask questions, do things that outside of my comfort zone, laugh, get dirty, and be kind, always. I love watching them discover themselves and I am so thankful that they have helped me discover myself as well.  


You were one of the leading women, creating clean + organic beauty and still making it luxurious and fun to use. What was your inspiration?

My daughters and our Earth are my inspirations. We are so blessed to have our wondrous planet and she inspires me every day to live fully and respectfully with her. 


You've spoken about how it's important to embrace aging and to age gracefully instead of focus on "anti"-- which we fully support. How do you think we can all age gracefully?

I believe we can live gracefully by taking good care of our skin, our minds, our bodies, and our souls. When you feel really good and are living a life of truth and goodness, the beauty part of the equation is easy. You radiate so much light that you become ageless. To get the ageless effect, I do light meditations and constantly feed my skin with rejuvenating Argan Oil products. I find that I’m looking and feeling younger or just more radiant – or what I like to call timeless or ageless.


Where do you hope to see the beauty industry in the next 5 years?

I hope to see the beauty industry expand its definition of what beauty truly is as well as find ways to help women live a more holistic, beautiful life that embraces all the things that make us beautiful — like being vulnerable and not perfect. 


What is your diet and exercise routine like? What are the staples you have to keep your skin glowing?

My diet is pretty pure clean and green with a few pizza slices and sea urchin indulgences here and there ;). I just started what I call “super woman warrior training” to get me feeling strong and in tune with my body. My trainer comes to my farm in Pennsylvania and we do breathing exercises, stretching, martial arts, and Jedi Knight workouts – usually always outside so we can take in our beautiful mamma earth while we get in shape.

My staples for glowing skin are my Pure Argan Milk, Whipped Argan Oil Face Butter, and 100% Pure Argan Oil. I use them in that order, every day and night….plus some good thoughts and a passion for love and life.


How do you like to get into the headspace for creativity and leading a huge company everyday?

I meditate and write every morning to clear my head and get super intentional for the day. Intention is key to creativity and manifestation for me. Listening and learning are so important to becoming a good leader. I make sure I always come to the table with open ears, an open heart, and a desire to play and learn. I also make sure I’m constantly working on my own self-confidence and happiness so I can lead with a clear and empowered voice. Self-care is an essential ingredient.


You put oils on the map for clean beauty-- what is it about oil that you feel is so powerfully healing for skin?

Oils are important for skin balance and nourishment, but not all oils are created equally. A lot of oils are diluted or blended with other ingredients that are less expensive and not as high quality. Our 100% Pure Argan Oil is just that – 100% pure, 100% organic, 100% natural. I truly believe that having the highest quality Argan Oil in its pure form is the best way to feed your skin and hair to get glowing luminous skin. It’s nature’s richest source of essential fatty acids and is full of powerful antioxidants that help preserve and protect your skin. It’s one ingredient that is from the earth and full of her precious power.


Do you have any favorite healers or practitioners?

I’ve been blessed with many amazing mystical guides. For a quick pick me up, though, I go to The Alchemists Kitchen in NYC where they have tons of “tune ups”  like sound bath tuning, or third eye light therapy. 


What are some big plans that you have for Josie Maran Cosmetics in 2018, and beyond? What has you really excited right now?

In 2018, we are building out a whole new Josie Maran Cosmetics. We are celebrating our 10 year anniversary right now, so it’s time to vision and build out our next 10 years.


How has your background in film and modeling helped you as founder of a mega cosmetics brand?

I think it’s helped me to think big. I’ve learned a ton from the vast cast of characters I met during my modeling and acting career.


What do you want your legacy to be?

I’d like my legacy to be one that has a built-in operating system to empower people to live their dreams. It would teach and guide people on how to live a full and good life and how to sustainably love our planet so we can enjoy her beauty and bounty long into the future

P.S. every Sakara client that celebrates their own beauty with Eat Pretty this week and next, snags a full size of this skin-loving Argan oil essential

Filed Under: Eat pretty, Features, Interviews, Skincare

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