S-Life Mag

Your source for nourishment, inspiration, and joy

CAP Beauty, nestled in idyllic West Village, has gained quite the reputation as *the* wellness treasure chest of Manhattan. If you've yet to explore — and for West Coasters, there's a second location inside LA's Fred Segal — you'll land in a paradise of adaptogens, CBD oil, Sakara snacks, dry brushes, luxurious skincare, clean makeup, and legendary slow-churned coconut butter. They even do facials too!

Cindy DiPrima Morisse and Kerrilynn Pamer are the co-mamas of this favorite beauty/wellness haunt, and on the heels of their first book High Vibrational Beauty we snagged so many gems from their wealth of well wisdom. Read more to gain insight on the perfect tonic recipe, the NY vs LA health mindset, Kerrilynn's past lives, the wildest thing Cindy has done for wellness, and the high-vibe tribe they have in their Rolodex. 



Can you each share your journeys to creating CAP Beauty?

Kerrilynn Pamer: I always had an interest in wellness but it was just that, an interest. It was coupled with not eating super well, not consistently exercising and drinking too much. It was present, but I compartmentalized it away from my real way of living. I thought that they lived separate from each other, not together, so my thinking was extreme in how I approached it. When I got older and started to understand that the wellness interest was feeding something deep inside of me, my interest in living this way became a daily pursuit, not something to do after a holiday or to prepare for an event. When I found out I had celiac, the floodgates opened for me and took me on the deep dive that I’m in now. I started to see, and feel, how my choices affected me and that shifted me profoundly. Now it’s a part of my life on every level. I’m healthier and more full than ever before.

Cindy diPrima: Kerrilynn had the initial idea for CAP. At the time we each had our own businesses. She had the clothing store Castor & Pollux and I was a stylist. We met each week (along with the designer Kimille Taylor) in a mastermind group to talk business and bounce ideas off each other. When Kerrilynn described her idea for CAP I knew it was something she had to do. I brought it up at every session and basically willed it to happen. Of course when she asked me to partner with her, it was an obvious yes!

We had bonded over a shared interest in wellness but neither of us engaged with it on the level we do today. I was interested in health and alternative health from a young age. I was fascinated by a family friend who was macrobiotic and was always drawn to learning about nutrition and self improvement. My interest in personal beauty is much more recent. I’ve really only become drawn to it since I’ve started to understand it as a function of health.


How did you two meet? Did you know instantly that you had a great working synergy?

Cindy diPrima: We met working at Martha Stewart Living. Kerrilynn was a product developer and I was a style editor at the magazine. We didn’t work closely with each other but were very aware of each other. We were really drawn to each other without totally knowing why. We literally went on a friend date that pretty much cemented things. We could talk for hours about style, clothing, art, cooking, self-help books, business and alternative health.

We work well together because we respect each other so deeply and share an ethic, a way we want to engage in the world and what we hope for CAP Beauty. And even though we never formally worked together, we had a good idea of each other’s working styles from meeting in our Mastermind group. Its been a true dream and I think an incredibly special partnership.



Please share your dream tonic recipe:

Kerrilynn Pamer: I’m drawn to anything from Japan so my dream tonic starts with a base of our Matcha to which I add The Coconut Butter for its range of healthy fats and deliciousness, He Shou Wu for its skin benefits, Tocotrienols for more hair and skin benefits, Mucuna Pruriens for its ability to promote and encourage happiness and a hit of The Daily Hit to mellow me out and decrease inflammation. I’d throw all of this in the Vitamix, blend on high for a minute and pour into my favorite mug. Preferably one by my friend, Romy Northover.


Cindy diPrima: I tend to be cold and eat a lot of raw foods and juices and so a warming drink is great for me. Leaves and Flowers Wellness tea would be the perfect base and then I would mix in Moodbeli’s Golden Turmeric which is a blend of turmeric, black pepper and ginger. If it’s after dinner, I might add a spoonful of our insanely delicious Coconut Butter or if it’s early and I’m still juicing and eating lighter foods, I’ll take it neat.


What are your morning and evening beauty routines?

Kerrilynn Pamer: I do a more thorough, comprehensive routine at night which includes a deep massage and cleansing. Lately, I’ve been loving the EO Marie Veronique Oil Cleanser which I follow up with In Fiore Treate. I love a double cleanse and when I make the time for it my skin really benefits. After my cleanse, I drop some In Fiore Calme Oil into my hand, hit that with a bit of the May Lindstrom Jasmine Garden and mix it together. This then goes on my skin while it’s still damp, it penetrates better, and then I dot my eye area with Julisis Eyemulsion. I top all of this off with a heavy dose of The CAPtivator around my pillow, meditate and then read. After that it’s lights out.

My morning is pretty simple. I usually just do a quick rinse, spray more of the magical May Lindstrom Jasmine Garden, add some oil or moisturizer to my face, depending on what I need, and call it a day.


Cindy diPrima: In the morning I usually skip the cleanse and start by toning with either May Lindstrom’s Jasmine Garden (maybe my favorite product ever) or with Marie Veronique’s Pre and Probiotic Daily Mist. While my skin is still dewy I apply Kristina Holey’s Barrier Restore Serum. I follow that with Soleil Fleur which is designed to boost the skin’s natural sun defenses without actually blocking the sun like an SPF. After that I use a face oil. I rotate between a few favorites like I am the Light from Max and Me, In Fiore’s Calendula and any number of products I’m testing. I might add a cream like In Fiore’s Creme de Fleur if I feel extra dry and finish with Vapour’s Soft Focus light liquid foundation to even my skin tone and give me some serious glow.

At night I cleanse with Julisis Silver cleanser, tone again and add Julisis Silver Elixir before adding all of my oils and creams to hydrate. I tend to get so dry that I really can’t overdo it! Sometimes I also sleep with a mask like Kristina’s (Marie Veronique)  Micronutrient and Hydro Mask.



Your new recipe and ritual book came out "High Vibrational Beauty"-- congrats!! It's absolutely stunning. You have such a strong art direction and creative point of view; where does your team get inspiration and what are you inspired by now?

Kerrilynn Pamer: Thank you so much, that means a lot coming from you over at Sakara! Cindy and I are obsessed with beauty, in all its forms, and are magpies for finding it. We think there is beauty and style to be found everywhere. We’re not exclusive in anything we do, and are collectors, which I think has really informed our brand. I just made the move to California this year and am feeling heavily influenced by nature. After having been in New York for 24 years, the proximity to nature in LA feels super fresh and exciting to me. We live a short drive from the ocean, desert and mountains and there’s not a day that goes by that that is lost on me. I feel so lucky to be living in nature, while being in a city, it’s impacting me in so many positive ways. Lately, I’m also deeply into houseplants. We haven’t found our permanent home in LA yet, so we are creating an oasis where we are now. My husband is obsessed with plants, which I think is the coolest, and it’s so great to watch our new home come to life.

Cindy diPrima: Thank you! We’re proud of it. We are both very visual and style driven people and always have been. We look at everything from fine art to Instagram and everything in between and surround ourselves with people creating and doing amazing things. My friends have all helped shape my aesthetic and I’m also from a family of artists on one side and literary types on the other and so pictures and words have always been in my blood. When I was a stylist, I worked on so many high end productions which taught me a ton. I now love the accessibility of Instagram and our constant access to cameras but I’m also getting ready for a return to more thoughtful curation. Influencers like Yana from Gelcream creating feeds with such cohesion and a strong point of view feel very important right now and may mark a return to carefully crafted editorial. I love how branded and thoughtful her images feel. I’d love to see more like it.


What are some of the most wild things you've done in the name of wellness?

Kerrilynn Pamer: I had an energy healing session recently that pretty much blew my head off. It was unlike anything I’ve ever done and was beyond wild. Other than that, I pretty much hit all the “normal” wellness practices. Although, it all depends on who I’m talking to and where I am, if they’re wild or nuts!

Cindy diPrima: We’ve both had some pretty wild treatments. These days I’m mostly focused on eliminating anything I don’t need. I like to lighten the load and create vitality through lightness and space. That means regular colonics (normal to some but probably wild to many!) but also some deep treatments designed to eliminate emotional baggage. A shamanic closet cleanse with Colleen from Style Rituals was also incredibly fun and surprisingly influential! The color of the dress you wear just might change your life!


What ingredients, products, brands are you most excited about right now?

Kerrilynn Pamer: Everyone is on the CBD train and for good reason. I’ve experienced great results with inflammation and stress when taking The Daily Hit on the daily. I think there is so much potential in this category, I just want to make sure that with the introduction of so many CBD brands, that people are creating products with integrity. I think that all of the ingredients should be considered when developing CBD products, and am hoping that this category will be known for its integrity in composition and ingredient decks. We are about to launch a few new products that help support you throughout the day and I’m really excited to release these into the world. I think any product or ingredient that makes life a little easier and more joyful is so needed right now. I also can’t stress enough how much I love the ritual of taking care of oneself, so we are always looking for new ceramics, incense and other objects that enhance your day positively.

Cindy diPrima: For the summer I always get excited by our Hawaiian lines like Mahalo and Leahlani. The scents and light born ingredients are perfect for summer. I’m also returning to tea, especially oolongs and herbals. There’s are so many health benefits and I love the simplicity and beauty of the ritual.


It feels like everything you do is infused with so much beauty; where does this philosophy come from?

Kerrilynn Pamer: Well, I’m pretty sure I was Japanese in a few past lives so I’m assuming that is the source! In all seriousness though, I don’t know how not to have beauty all around. I’m deeply impacted by my environment, and super sensitive, so it’s almost a way of coping for me. By surrounding myself with beauty, I simply feel better. And this applies to everything, not just physical objects. How I interact with the world impacts me deeply, so I’m always trying to engage with it beautifully. Not to say things don’t get super messy and complicated, but when I keep beauty as my North Star, all feels better in my soul.

Cindy diPrima: We can’t help ourselves! It’s how we live and it’s why we’re friends. Living beautifully is what we’re all about. It’s the beauty in CAP Beauty.


How can we all live a High Vibrational Life? What does that mean for you?

Cindy diPrima: Be curious, be kind and strive to go deep. Embrace change and love unconditionally.


How has your relationship with beauty and your body evolved over the years?

Kerrilynn Pamer: To be super honest, I’ve been traveling so much that my relationship to self is in an odd place. I’m very much a creature of habit and when I fall away from my touchstones (sleep, time alone, good food, exercise, meditation) I become hypercritical of my body and my connection to beauty can lapse. Our body and beauty relationship is just that, a relationship, one that needs to be fed, nurtured and cherished. But also, one that we need to know isn’t always easy. Women’s relationship to this part of self can be so complicated and elastic. As I get older, I’ve realized that for me, doing the work consistently is my life preserver. Sometimes you forget it’s there until you need it, but if you keep adding to it, when you’re in a tough spot, you’ll have the support. I didn’t always know this, but with many years behind me, I’ve come to understand what I need to be in good relationship to my beauty and body. I’m in a better place than ever, but I realize that this relationship is a living thing, one that is constantly shifting, and one that needs love, care, kindness and patience.

Cindy diPrima: I can honestly say that at 47, I feel better than ever. I have such a better understanding of my body and what it takes to thrive. When I was younger and single, my relationship to healthy living was far more hot and cold. Periods of going out like crazy were followed by fasts and strict regimens. Now it’s just more consistent and consistency is key. I’m also in a position at this point to make exercise and clean eating a non-negotiable part of every day.


Where do you see the industry going in the next five years?

Kerrilynn Pamer: I see a shift in the general collective and an understanding that naturals are the modern choice. The advances that have been made in formulations in just the past four years have been profound. I can only imagine how large they will be in the next five years. The industry is moving at such a fast pace, responding to what customers want, and as customers demand more integrity, transparency and efficacy this leads to better products for all. The ultimate goal.

Cindy diPrima: We’ve always believed that naturals are the modern choice. We just don’t see this as a trend that will spike and decline. It’s a movement that’s here to stay. Consumers are becoming more informed and are demanding cleaner and more effective natural products. We’re so proud to be just one force in this awesome new wave.

How do you feel the audience/clientele is different in LA versus New York, in terms of approach to well-being?

Cindy diPrima: New Yorkers seem a bit more old school and are committed to more classic practices. The Russian Baths, colonics, juice cleanses and bodywork like Swedish or Thai massage are still very relevant. Los Angeleans are more about the cutting edge. Treatments like endermologie and cryotherapy are more available and more embraced in LA. In New York, healthnuts are a subset. In LA, everyone seems to be in the game. It’s fun to be in a city like LA where so many embrace some form of wellness. And in New York, it’s fun to be part of a fringe, a health cult that breeds camaraderie and a familiarity.


What are your wellness non-negotiables?

Kerrilynn Pamer: As someone who loves routines and rituals and recognizes the importance of them, I’m trying really hard during this very busy time of life to not have “non-negotiables.” This has allowed more kindness and compassion for myself during this phase and interestingly has given way to many rituals, just without the language around it that could cause stress. With that said, my days pretty much always include some type of sweating, a lot of juice, dinner with my husband, doggie hang time,  herbs in the morning and some form of meditation.

Cindy diPrima: I juice at home (or in the office) daily and generally stick to just juices, raw salads and fruit before dinnertime. I’m a food combiner and swear by that lifestyle. I’ve never been stronger, leaner or had more energy. I also run or practice yoga about 5 times a week. It all sounds very strict and regimented but it’s actually a really joyful and light way to live. Focused time with my kids and dinners with my husband once the kids are in bed are a given. So is time spent with friends.


What is your ultimate dream for CAP? What's next?

Kerrilynn Pamer: So much is on the horizon. More stores, more products, more impact. Our goal is to share the power of naturals with as many people as possible, so expect to see us everywhere!

Cindy diPrima: Our dream is to share the power of naturals with as many people as possible, to see a complete shift in the way we all prioritize health, and a shift in how we approach beauty. Radiance is a function of health and we love seeing our customers make that shift. We have so many ideas and plans for CAP and seem powerless over picking and choosing. We like to do it all! And so expect to see more products, more CAP Beauty doors opening (Hello, Tokyo!) and new ways of sharing this information with the world.



Who are some of your wellness heroes?

Kerrilynn Pamer: I am so lucky to be surrounded by so many experts in the world of wellness but try to stay away from attaching myself to just one. I like to create a composite of all the people who have influenced me, as this allows me to take what I need from a wide range of people and tap into their own unique knowledge. My composite includes Dana James, for her thought provoking approach to women and diet, Guru Singh, for sharing the magic and science of Kundalini yoga, Gil Jacobs, for his radical and out-there approach to health through the colon, Jen Gonzalez, for her hilarious and paradigm shifting take on women and shitting, Lacy Phillips, for her manifestation formula that has brought me so much and for being such an inspiring expander, Daphne Javitch, for her aesthetic commitment to making wellness chic, John von Pamer, for his deep, cellular understanding of non-conformist ways of wellness and to Cindy DiPrima for bringing her light, sense of humor and intellect to the pursuit of health. And of course to everyone who walks through our doors; there are no bigger heroes to me. They inspire me daily.

Cindy diPrima: Gil Jacobs is my mentor and radical health guide. He’s such a wealth of knowledge on cellular cleansing, food combining and healing and his approach is actually really simple and straightforward. I love working with him and have seen my body transform in so many ways since doing so. Kris Carr was also very helpful to me when I  was younger. I lost my mom to cancer when I  was only 21, I just assumed I’d be powerless over the same fate. Kris’ book helped me understand that radical health is something we can create for ourselves. It gave me a sense of power and the drive to go deep. My yoga teacher, Diana Rilov, is a gorgeous example of how to live and age with beauty, humor and incredible style!


You both fully understand the power of holistic wellness, as evidence by your book, where meditation, grounding altars, rebounding and hippie salad bowl ingredients all commingle. How can we better support and bring love to all these areas in our life when it feels overwhelming?

Kerrilynn Pamer: Make a conscious effort to have fun with all of this. No one can do it all, and no one should. All we’re suggesting are things that bring light to our life and are hoping that they will to yours as well. Once this stuff starts stressing you out, you’re defeating the purpose. I know it’s annoying when someone tells you to not stress out, but it is really true here. We’re so fortunate and privileged to have these practices, don’t overthink them, don’t do them all, just choose what speaks to you and try it out. See how it makes you feel. And remember, they are all little blessings, so bless yourself.

Cindy diPrima: Gil says that health is about doing better than you were before. And if you follow that approach you’ll find yourself on an upward trajectory that will deliver you to a place of true vitality. I encourage people to use our book like they would any cookbook. Thumb through the recipes and rituals and experiment with whatever calls out to you. You aren’t meant to do it all, at least not all at once. Adopt a new habit and do it consistently. Then drop in for more.


What does legacy mean for you and how do you wish to leave your mark on the world?

Kerrilynn Pamer: I want to leave behind something important. Something that impacts people in a positive way, something that benefits our big, beautiful earth and all the magical creatures on it. Something that makes us all a little better. I want my legacy to radiate out and touch all beings, make them feel better and make them shinier. So they can illuminate others. I want to leave behind magic.

Cindy diPrima: I love it so much whenever anyone tells me that CAP has inspired them to get healthier and to rethink beauty. The free content we create with our events and editorial stories are one of the most important aspects of our company and as we grow, I hope and expect this to expand at the same pace. The more we can encourage and inspire, the more successful we are.


Filed Under: Cap beauty, Discover, Features, Health

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