S-Life Mag

Your source for nourishment, inspiration, and joy

Sakara designer, Erin's love for healing foods is hereditary, as evidenced by her mama's mouthwatering Instagram feed. Since it seems that every weekend in October called for ample apple picking, we asked her for a creative recipe beyond just taking a big ol' bite with a scoop of nut butter— and this did not disappoint. To be enjoyed with good friends. 



  • 2 apples (we love Roma apples but pick whatever is in season at your farmers market)
  • 1/4 cup coconut sugar
  • 1/4 cup gluten-free rolled oats
  • 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp ground cardamom
  • small handful chopped walnuts + almonds
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil



  • 1/4 cup maple syrup
  • 1/2 tsp ground cardamom



  • coconut yogurt
  • walnuts/almonds



Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Using a melon baller (or a paring knife), cut a hole at the top of each apple and scoop out the core, leaving about a ½ inch of apple at the bottom. There should be about a ¾ inch opening in each apple.

In a separate bowl mix together coconut sugar, rolled oats, cinnamon, cardamom and chopped nuts. Divide evenly between the two apples and fill until each one is filled to the brim with oat mixture. Then, place ½ tablespoon of coconut oil on top of each apple.

Place apples in a pie dish and pour about 1 cup of hot water on the bottom, so the apples are sitting in a shallow bath of water. Loosely place a piece of tin foil over the top and bake for 20 minutes. After that, take tin foil off and bake for another 25 minutes (or until apples are bubbling, oat crumble is toasted, and a knife can easily be slid into apple).

Take out of oven and let cool a bit.  While apples are slightly cooling, heat maple syrup and ground cardamom in a pan over the stove. Keep stirring for a few minutes until syrup is warmed through.

When apples are still warm but cool enough to handle, cut each one in half and place in a dish. Top with a dollop of coconut yogurt, any extra nuts, and drizzle with maple syrup. Enjoy!

Filed Under: Apples, Discover, Fall, Plant-based

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