S-Life Mag

Your source for nourishment, inspiration, and joy

While Ruby Aldridge trained for the NYC marathon last November, she spent her weeks prior logging major miles— most recently clocking 16+ miles from the Upper East Side of Manhattan to Coney Island, Brooklyn. Impressive, right? The perseverance for such athletic feats requires some serious plant-rich fuel and theme music, so we asked Ruby about her playlist. As a musician, we were begging to snag what's blasting in her earbuds as she treks the streets. The vibe is hardcore, electric, and certainly move-inducing.

"When I first started running I really tried to run without music and use it as a way to clear my head. Now on these longer runs, I find using music as a tool is really helpful," Ruby says. "Plus, it's fun to pretend you're in some kind of epic music video while a song is blasting in your headphones and you're running through the city. I still run without music if that's what the day is asking for, but these are some songs that push me through to the other side." 


Filed Under: Discover, Inspirations, Meditation, Music

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