7 Ways to Reimagine Self-Care
Rituals to rekindle your vibrance and vitality this season Read more

Spiritually Sassy with Sah D' Simone
Brightening up the internet with a New Age take on some of the most ancient healing techniques Read more

Ruby Aldridge's Ultimate Running Playlist
"It's fun to pretend you're in some kind of epic music video while a song is blasting in your headphones and you're running through the city." Read more

Guru Jagat
On interstellar life, the myths about enlightenment, the power that lies within every woman, and what the next 26,000 years might look like. Read more

Gara Post, Co-Founder + Creative Director, The NOW
The woman behind California's dreamiest massage studio shares her take on the power of a weekly massage, bringing nature indoors, and letting creativity guide your business venture Read more
Our Bestsellers
Top-rated functional foods to help you feel like your best self

Biet Simkin: Meditation Guru, Spiritual Teacher, Artist
This spiritual teacher and daughter of an awakened shaman shares how tragedy can bring you to your highest, most enlightened self. Read more

Meet Colleen McCann: A Shaman For The Modern Girl
As she explains it - “I’m just another well dressed girl at the cocktail party, the only difference is I hear voices.” Read more

Katelin Sisson and Heather Lilleston, Founders of Yoga For Bad People
Spoiler alert: They're really not all that bad... Read more

Hot List: Seeking Vibrancy With The Ladies of How You Glow
These bright, shining L.A. babes are gracing the #SakaraHotList with their positivity, forward-wholistic thinking, creativity and love. Read more

A Journey Through Kitchens + Consciousness With The Ultimate #SAKARAMAN: Chef Gregg Drusinsky
To kick off food + nutrition month, we want you to introduce you someone very special to our hearts (and appetites). Meet Sakara Man and chef Gregg Drusinsky: the handsome personality behind your Sakara meals. When Gregg isn't whipping up some of the most holistically nutritious and deliciously fresh meals in NYC, he practices daily meditation and yoga to create balance in every corner of his life #TakeLessonsBoys. While many know Chef Gregg to be a well of information and inspiration in the kitchen, he also happens to be a well to a stream of consciousness most of us have yet to tap into. We sat down with Read more