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Below, the story of longtime Sakaralite Ivy Forsythe and how she became pregnant in her mid-40s, in her own words.


Discovering Sakara 

Baseline, all I wanted was all-organic food. It’s always been most important to me. We’d go to restaurants and we’d try to get organic food when possible, but everything was always sort of in this gray area. I wanted something defined and guaranteed as all-organic, not just some. I got one Sakara delivery, and I was hooked.

Over the past seven years, I’ve seen how “real” Sakara’s founders, Danielle and Whitney, are—how they truly connect with and care about their customers. In my 46 years, I’ve never  seen anybody do that with any company—I really feel like they care about me. What started out with an order of a bag of food became a friendship… that became a best friendship

I really believe that the nutrition Sakara provides allowed my body to put thoughts into things. I can't vouch for every person and say that it's going to allow your body to get to a place of being able to conceive a baby at that age. But, I do believe that being consistent with Sakara’s amazing nutrition and supplements (you cannot find anything else like them!), allowed my body to become pregnant at over 44.


Loss + Life

In 2020, it was a crazy time for everybody. Everyone's lives got turned upside down. For me, it was even more wild due to the loss of my mother right in the middle of it. I took care of her myself for seven weeks with hospice care. I was able to spend seven weeks with her at her bedside holding her hand and talking about all the things in life. It was the greatest gift of my life.

Being able to depend on Sakara coming every week for me, and not having to think about it while I took care of her, was an incredibly huge help to me. I was mentally depleted, physically depleted. It's great in your everyday life to be consistent with your nutrition, but to have that in hard times was a gift.

Looking back now, having the consistency of Sakara’s nutrition, supplements, and the organic ingredients was so important. I stuck with my Sakara, continued on my path of health, and, less than a year later—when my pregnancy occurred—I had a sense of almost rebirth, too.

I truly think that the food and the mindset—not giving up, keeping my soul happy and focused and full of nutrition—is what allowed me to become pregnant with my son, Cash.


Days in the NICU

When Cash, my son, was in the NICU for 68 days, I would bring [Sakara] food with me every day to the hospital. One of the first things that people give up when they're going through difficult times is nutrition, cooking, their health, exercise… To have the convenience of Sakara there, always just a click away… it's been a huge, huge help to me. Especially having it all put together and ready to eat—it helped my body and mind weather a storm like that. 

I truly believe that nourishing my mind, body, and spirit with all of this was what eventually allowed me to become pregnant with Cash in my forties.


A lot of people have asked me what they think it was that allowed me to become pregnant at almost 45. Sometimes, I answer them in a funny way and just say, “Oh, it was Sakara food.” But, it was so much more than that. It was the whole of what Sakara believes in—putting my mind in the place of turning thoughts into things, really focusing on what I really wanted. 

The way you feel about what you want, your dreams, your goals, nutrition… those things take time. I think the commitment that I had to all of those things is what brought me the gift of Cash.


Listen to Ivy's Sakara Story:


Filed Under: Feature, Features, Ivf, Ivy forsythe

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