S-Life Mag

Your source for nourishment, inspiration, and joy

We stopped by the Y7 Yoga founders' downtown apartment one morning where we talked her AM routine, typical day-in-the-life, and the unglamorous side of starting your own company...all before 9AM.


Can you take us through a typical day in your life? 

This is a tough one for me since everyday is totally different. But usually I wake up around 7:30 am, try to take a class (yoga, spin or pilates) then head to the office around 9:30. I spend my mornings catching up on emails and going through the tasks for the day. My afternoons are packed with meetings or studio walk throughs. That’s it! I try to head out around 6:30pm, evenings are always different but always involve wine. 


What about your full morning routine? Any products you swear by? Supplements you can’t live without? 

My morning routine is pretty simple. I wash my face, moisturize, and as far as makeup goes I am always wearing Glossier Boy Brow, RMS Living Luminizor and Tarte Cheek Stain. Supplement wise, I take Sakara Life's Daily Probiotic and a Wellness pill.


What was your inspiration behind building this yoga empire?  

The idea came out of a personal need that myself and my husband couldn’t find in the yoga space. We wanted somewhere we could get a workout, somewhere we could sweat and move, listen to music we loved, and still get the introspective teachings of yoga. We couldn't find that mix anywhere so we created our own space. Y7 actually started as a pop-up. There was no business plan, no advisors, no funding. I was working in fashion at the time and Y7 was really just a fun side hustle. It was about 2 years into it before I actually left my job to focus on Y7 full time. 


As a young business owner, can you talk about the un-glamorous side of starting your company? Do you have any advice for young women looking to start their own business? 

It truly does become your life. I average about 5-6 hours of sleep a night and am constantly working, there are days without makeup, missed meals and cancelled plans but it is so worth it, and the people who are meant to be in your life will be there through it all. My advice is to take everything with a grain of salt and keep focused on your "why" for starting your business. 


What are the 5 must-do things before you fall asleep? 

Wash my face, brush my teeth, take vitamins, drink a full glass of water, and set my alarm!


Music is such an important part of Y7. What's “on-repeat” for you right now?

I've been super into A.CHAL right now, and Love N Hennessy is on repeat for me. 


What about the biggest life lessons you’ve learned along this journey? 

Don't take everything so personally. When we started Y7 I took every bit of critisicm as an insult. I was trying to please everyone and it just wasn't sustainable. I've learned throughout the years to step back and stay focused on our goals and tune out all of the outside noise. 


Have there been any walls you've faced along this journey? How have you overcome them?  

Learning how to build and manage a team is something I have and continue to struggle with. I am continuously learning how to be a better leader, boss, and inspiration to those around me. There have been books, podcasts, coaches that have all played a part in helping me grow this part of myself. 


Can you share with us your legacy? What mark do you want to leave on this world?

I want to leave a legacy of community. As Y7 continues to grow ( We just opened our newest location in Silver Lake on January 1st, Tribeca is coming in February, and published a book to help people add a Y7 twist to their own practice!), so does our incredible tribe. I hope that no matter what path Y7 takes me on that the sense of community and oneness remains a focus. 


Filed Under: Careers, Discover, Features, Interviews

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