S-Life Mag

Your source for nourishment, inspiration, and joy

Name: Saskia Evans

Age: 44

Location: Midtown Manhattan, NYC


Favorite Sakara meals:
Avo-Cacao Probiotic Pudding, Sexy Cinnamon Rolls, Daydreamer Soba Bowl, Truffle Kale Caesar, Sakara-Style Bolognese

Clean Boutique products she can’t live without:
“I travel with Beauty + Detox Water Concentrates, and Beauty Chocolates are perfect when I want something sweet."

Favorite places to eat when she’s not on Sakara:
Flex Mussels, Kappo Masa, Cipriani

Favorite ways to work up a sweat:
 Tennis, Pilates, working out with celebrity trainer Amanda Kloots

Beauty rituals: 
LED light therapy for the face, drinking lots of water with Meyer lemon

Favorite ways to treat herself:
 Long walks through Central Park, always having fresh flowers in the house

In her words:
 “Clean eating really changed my life.”

Filed Under: Client testimonial, Discover, Food, Plant-based

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