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With countless five-star reviews and a host of total-body benefits, our Metabolism Super Powder is a beloved staple in the pantry of many wellness experts. To assist and uplevel the best-selling, symptom-targeting nutrition tool, we also created our functional, chocolate-sea salt-flavored Metabolism Protein Super Bar. Together, the two form The Metabolism Duo—a transformative solution to metabolic slowdown.

Don't just take it from us. We tapped three Sakaralites in the wellness world to try the Metabolism Duo for a month and share their stories. Here, they spill all the metabolism-revving details.



Metabolism is often only related in terms of weight, but it’s so much more than that. It’s involved in essentially every aspect of the way our bodies function, from libido to breathing to detoxification, and dictates how we expend energy and use nourishment for fuel. (The more organic, more straight-from-the-Earth, the better. Processed foods, excessive stress, and sedentary lifestyles are all common culprits of a metabolic slowdown.) 

Enter: a trio seeking to reinvigorate their metabolism. Each incorporated our Metabolism Super Powder and Metabolism Protein Super Bar into their routine at least 4-5 times a week for a month. The results? Transformational.



Jacklyn Sweet, Holistic Wellness + Life Coach and a yoga teacher specializing in healing intergenerational trauma  

Ananda Yemaya, creative, student of Naturopathic medicine, and mama of two

Dr. Gerry Curatola, internationally recognized biologic dentist and Founder and Director of Rejuvenation Dentistry



The Metabolism Duo includes a variety of unique functional ingredients that address some of the symptoms related to a metabolic slowdown (think: bloat, relentless sugar cravings, digestive upset, low energy). Each is abundant in Ayurvedic herbs, amino acids, and antioxidants, and we love taking them together to create supercharged results. But what’s  the difference between the two?

Metabolism Super Powder targets several aspects of a lagging metabolism—and is an easy addition to coffee, smoothies, plant milks, and baked goods. It contains a full roster of metabolism-boosting functional ingredients:

  • Cacao: abundant in theobromine, a natural fat burner, as well as polyphenols that nourish the gut microbiome and directly impact metabolic rate.
  • L-Glutamine: helps to restrengthen the gut lining and suppress proinflammatory signaling within the body.
  • Horsetail extract  works as a diuretic to help release excess water weight, and Gymnema Sylvestre, an Ayurvedic herb, helps quiet the sugar receptors on our tongue and quell cravings for sweets. 
  • Black pepper piperine: stimulates digestion, promotes an overall leaner feeling.
  • Kelp extract: clinically studied to activate thermogenesis, supports lipid metabolism, efficiently burning stubborn white fat.

Metabolism Protein Super Bar is a satiating plant protein bar that contains powerful healing ingredients: 

  • Brown seaweed: abundant in fucoxanthin and clinically studied to activate thermogenesis, boosting fat metabolism. 
  • Pomegranate seed oil: rich in punic acid, which helps regulate the body’s stress response, support the liver, and boost antioxidant activity. 
  • Only three grams of a whole-food source sugar (organic allulose): practically unheard of in the nutrition bar world, this low amount of sugar is combined with 12 grams of plant-based protein to stabilize glucose levels while providing lasting energy that activates a high-functioning metabolism.



After a month of integrating the nutrition powder and the protein bar into their routines, each reviewer experienced a range of results.



“Before trying the Metabolism Duo, I was consistently bloated. I just turned 30 last year, and I realized how I used to snap right back into shape after a few workouts if I was feeling softer, but something had changed, which is why I started the regimen. For me, it was all about consistency. There’s no one overnight, miracle thing, but my biggest takeaway was less bloat and inflammation.”—Jacklyn

“I've been using the powder now every day, and I have noticed a serious change in my bloating. I would actually bloat after each meal. Now, I don't at all actually. I would look in the mirror and I'm still pretty amazed at myself as it's been crazy to see the fact that I would constantly look bloated and then feel super heavy. It used to be very frustrating, and now I just feel so much lighter.” —Ananda

“After the second week, I noticed more energy, and lost 2 pounds of bloat and experienced a significant reduction in sugar cravings. I even began to observe a trimmer waist in the mirror.” —Dr. Gerry



“I always end up taking the bar to the gym and then eating it as soon as I finish my workout, which has tremendously changed my energy levels post-workout. I'm no longer sluggish and it sustains me throughout the afternoon, especially since having my second child. It’s definitely been a game changer and a staple.” —Ananda 

“I detected noticeable improvements in my energy, weight management, and bloating after consumption...and it was especially noticeable when I missed a couple of days due to a conference. My energy fell without the bars in hand. But when I was consistent, I was able to feel full with energy to get through my morning schedule and delay lunch for 6 hours from a long patient treatment day.” —Dr. Gerry



"The biggest shift from taking the powder has been my libido. It's been almost like a night and day shift. I went from having a really low sex drive to it buzzing up, exponentially." —Ananda



“I have such a particular sweet tooth, and I was very surprised to feel like I didn’t need something sweet. The powder actually started to feel like a treat because I would make a strawberry-banana smoothie or an almond butter-espresso-banana smoothie, and the craving for sugar after was definitely curbed.” —Jacklyn 

“I have pretty intense sugar cravings. When I make my Metabolism Latte first thing, I'll notice that I won't want a sweet breakfast. I typically would want maybe pancakes with syrup and berries. Once I have the latte, then maybe I end up wanting to make different choices. I think it’s helped shift my palate.”—Ananda




Shift Your Body From Storage to Burn Mode

Metabolism Super Powder vs Mother Nature

24 Hours to a Healthier Metabolism

Break Your Sugar Habit with Gymnema Sylvestre

Filed Under: Features, Foods that help metabolism, Lipid metabolism, Meal plans to increase metabolism

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