S-Life Mag

Your source for nourishment, inspiration, and joy

Cultivating the energy needed to spark change in January and beyond

Nature turns inward as the chill of the winter sets in and, as a result, so do we—hibernating with our thoughts and setting intentions for the year to come. As the year starts to wind down, we’re asking ourselves:
How can we cultivate the energy we need to make the big changes we desire in January and beyond? What steps can we take toward manifesting our dream life? 

We know that the buzz of the New Year can bring a lot of pressure—especially when it comes to resolutions that stray from real body love. One way we're rewriting the New Years script is by nourishing with The 30-Day Reset: our four-week nutrition program designed to help set the stage for lasting results in the New Year. We're also turning to manifestation and intention setting, powerful tools to harness the exciting energy of the New Year as a chance for a bold and beautiful fresh start.

The guiding light for transformation already exists within you—give it the space, energy, and time to shine with our framework for turning this year into your best one yet:



When you set intentions, you can actually rewire your body’s chemistry, lighting up communication pathways between the mind, body, and brain, and alerting the cells to all act in alignment. A potent biochemical tool, intentions cultivate the thoughts, behaviors, and rituals that support the formation of a vibrant, abundant life. 

What do you want to bring to life in 2023? Once you have an intention in mind, ignite your journey of transformation through the power of “Why?”. Why do you want to eat healthier? Why do you want more energy? Turn your why into a written declaration—a powerful catalyst for turning your thoughts to things—and come back to it throughout the year.



Rituals have the power to create an energetic shift—one that ripples through our bodies, our relationships, and our souls. Enliven your day-to-day with meaningful practices surrounding nourishment, movement, and reflection—like plating your meal before mindfully enjoying or carving out time for an afternoon walk. 

Return to your written intentions often, reflecting and tracking your growth—mental, spiritual, and physical—in a journal. Spend 15 minutes a day putting pen to paper, bringing awareness to the subtle but notable shifts molding your reality. Keep the fire of your intentions burning through motivation and relish in your accomplishments—celebrating even the smallest of wins.



A healthy body is one you feel empowered, sexy, and free in. Movement is essential to unlocking this energetic, electric being—igniting your metabolism, boosting your libido, and providing inner balance. But, to move in a way that’s sustainable and joyful long term, we have to quit “working out”—tossing the idea that physical exercise should even be work. 

Instead, embrace a form of movement that shifts your mind and taps into pleasure—whether that be dancing, jogging, hiking, or letting your erotic energy soar, by yourself or with a partner. Did you know having an orgasm has similar benefits to your daily exercise routine? In fact, reaching peak satisfaction improves cognitive function, slows cellular aging, regulates hormonal cycles, and releases stress hormone cortisol from the body. Long story short, investing in your pleasure does wonders for your well-being.



Ultimately, food is the foundation for abundance in all areas of your life. Fill your plate with ultra-vibrant, diverse foods, treating your plating like an artist treats their canvas. Add bold colors, varied textures, and new, enticing flavors with every brushstroke. Not only will this transform your meal into a visual feast for your eyes, but it’ll add a body-loving array of phytonutrients, antioxidants, and plant protein

By flooding your body with living foods—not resorting to shelf-stable, dehydrating “health foods”—you’ll unlock a radiant glow, seamless digestion, and electric energy. On a cellular level, the precious hydration from water-rich fruits and veggies releases through the body at an extended rate, nourishing your organs instead of passing quickly on through.

Joy is also a nutrient, as essential to our diets as our leafy greens are. Before something graces your lips, ask yourself, “Will this bring me joy?”. Whether it be a verdant forkful of arugula or a celebratory glass of champagne, pause to assess. Food should provide us with pleasure, spontaneity, connection, and happiness. 

This New Year, take time to re-evaluate your relationship with change. In place of classic diet pillars (restrictions, rules, and “nevers”), shower yourself with abundance, nourishment, and pleasure—the keys to creating long-lasting shifts, and ultimately true transformation.

Filed Under: 2023, 2023 goals, 30-day reset, How to have the best year yet

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