S-Life Mag

Your source for nourishment, inspiration, and joy

 In the Sakara Spotlight series, we’re turning the tables on some of the amazing + accomplished souls that have chosen the Sakara Life program to enrich and fulfill their lives. Without further adieu, meet the Sakaralites!


Name? Mollie Chen / @MollieChen 

Sign? Pisces

Job, passion, position, title? VP of Brand Experience at Birchbox

Why did you choose Sakara? I love eating, and love eating healthily but sometimes my schedule makes it hard to prepare meals that are as healthy as I would like. Sakara is a way for me to guarantee that I'll be eating wholesome but also interesting foods during the times that are most crazy and stressful (i.e. right before my wedding, or during a particularly nutty work week). It's definitely a treat for me, and because it's an investment I usually end up staying pretty overall healthy those weeks.

What’s your favorite Sakara meal? I cook a lot, and some of my favorite Sakara meals use ingredients that I would never would have incorporated into my own dishes - like the Pad Thai with Kelp Noodles or the Forbidden Rice Tatsoi Bowl. I also love breakfast, so will never pass up a seaweed-infused muffin or a hearty, yet healthy, Sakara Scone.

Morning Water or Night Water? Morning water!

Have you always been a healthy eater? I definitely got the nutrition and exercise bug in college and it's been a part of my life ever since. 

What's your indulgence? Cookies and cocktails. I love sweets and also love going out for drinks for amazing wines or great cocktails!

How do you stay healthy at your desk? Well, I can't sit still, so I am rarely at my desk - walking to other areas of the office, or sitting in different spots. I drink a ton of water during the day (one reason why I'm always moving - running to the bathroom!) and keep healthy snacks in my desk drawer.

What’s a day in the life of Mollie Chen like? I get up between 5:30 and 6:30 to work out. I go to the Brooklyn Heights Equinox because they have great instructors and the people who go to the morning classes are amazing. If I'm not there, I'm taking Brooklyn Bodyburn (hands down the hardest class I've ever done) or running along the East River. After that, I come home to get ready and have coffee with my husband (he makes it, I drink it) before heading to the Birchbox offices in Manhattan. My day is usually heavy on meetings, and can involve anything from concepting marketing campaigns to working on ways to get people excited about new products. I try to leave the office before 7 or 7:30 so I have time to either meet friends for dinner or make something healthy at home. I am usually on my computer until around 10, and hopefully in bed by 11! 

Do you have any rituals that help keep you balanced? If I don't exercise in the morning I can't function properly. It's my grounding mechanism and my therapy.

What's a personal mantra you always come back to? I don't have a mantra but the idea of being present and being content is really important to me. It's something I struggle with, so even more important to keep in mind! 

If your creativity were edible, what would it taste like? It would definitely have texture; I can't stand things that are one note. And it'd be both sweet and savory, with a little kick at the end.



Filed Under: Features, Interviews, Sakara spotlight

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