Sakara Spotlight: Amanda Addison, Civil Rights Attorney


Sakara Spotlight: Amanda Addison, Civil Rights Attorney 

"...I spend a lot of hours sitting at my desk, on a computer. If I'm getting tired or simply restless, I often close my office door to do jumping jacks and push-ups in my office!"  Read more

Sakara Spotlight: Kimmy Scotti


Sakara Spotlight: Kimmy Scotti 

What's a day in the life of a fierce and accomplished lady boss Sakaralite look like? Read on  Read more

Sakara Spotlight: Mollie Chen, the Brain Behind Birchbox


Sakara Spotlight: Mollie Chen, the Brain Behind Birchbox 

In the Sakara Spotlight series, we're turning the tables on some of the amazing + accomplished souls that have chosen the Sakara Life program to enrich and fulfill their lives.  Read more