S-Life Mag

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To take the Pill or not to take the Pill? That seems to be the question for just about every young woman today.

I’m a firm believer that every woman is entitled to her own choice when it comes to oral contraception. But I also believe that every woman owes it to herself to get all information available before deciding on which path is right for her. Unfortunately, many women today are either prescribed the Pill at a young age (before it ever occurs to them to question their doctor), or they start the artificial hormone regimen because they believe the Pill is their only option when it comes to fixing their hormonal and period problems. That’s simply not true and I want every woman to truly understand the risks involved before going down the medicated road!

Here’s the thing: if you’re hormonally sensitive and are taking the Pill to “manage” underlying hormonal imbalances including PMS, endometriosis, fibroids, etc., or you’re thinking of one day getting pregnant and you’ve dealt with any of those issues in the past, you might want to reconsider the Pill. Birth control pills really only mask the symptoms of underlying hormonal imbalances, and it’s worth experimenting with nutritional changes to see if food can heal your hormones rather than putting your faith in synthetic medication. And if you’re just using it to prevent pregnancy, then I want you to know that you have other options...



Have you ever actually read those little information pamphlets that come with your hormonal birth control prescriptions? Ever see the long list of potential birth control side effects and wonder just how much of a risk there really is?

Interestingly enough, many women today don’t really know or understand the health risks that are associated with the manipulation of their hormones through hormonal birth control methods. Your endocrine (hormonal) system is part of a complex network that also impacts your vascular health and brain function. In the old days, when receiving a prescription for hormonal birth control, women were required to sign a piece paper stating that they were aware of the health risks involved – but when was the last time you had to do this? And while the pill in particular has seen many changes since it was first released in 1962...many of the same potential side effects remain.


How many of these common birth control side effects are you familiar with?

    • Nausea, vomiting, constipation, or bloating
    • Irregular menstruation and spotting
    • Breast swelling or tenderness
    • Decreased libido
    • Weight gain or loss of appetite
    • Mood swings, anxiety, nervousness or depression
    • Changes in vaginal discharge and vaginal infections
    • Headaches, dizziness and fatigue
    • High blood pressure and cholesterol
    • Acne or permanent discolouration of the face
    • Fluid retention
    • Bone density loss 
    • Hair loss or changes in hair growth
    • Enlarged ovarian follicles


And how about these potential long-term complications of hormonal birth control? 

    • Eye problems or vision impairment
    • Gallbladder disease and gallstones
    • Embolism
    • Resistance to Insulin
    • Immune system suppression
    • Heart attack 
    • Stroke
    • Breast tumors and liver tumors
    • Ectopic Pregnancies
    • Links with certain cancers such as cervical cancer
    • Blood clots in legs, lungs, heart and brain
    • Jaundice


Sounds scary, doesn’t it? These potential health risks are not something to be taken lightly – manipulating your hormones is serious business. Remember all of the fuss when HRT was found to be more dangerous than previously thought for women in their menopausal years? Why, then, is it still considered “safe” to manipulate women’s hormones during their most fertile years?

It all comes down to choice.

I’m not telling you all of this to scare you – many women will continue to use hormonal birth control methods, and will be pleased very with their effects! My goal is simply to empower you with all of the information, so that you can make the best choice for you.

As it stands, the last 70 years or so is the first time in human history that we’ve manipulated female hormones to this degree. Hormonal imbalances are common in women, and infertility is at an all-time high. Can we say for sure that this is all connected? Not necessarily, but we also can’t say for sure that it isn’t. With so many options available for contraception, and knowing that our cycles offer us so much personal power and access to our feminine energy, why even take the drug?

Among other side effects of the pill could be low libido or depression, which can obviously have an effect on your relationships, too. When given a sampling of sweaty men’s t-shirts to choose from, it was proven that women on the pill were drawn to partners whose pheromones do not genetically compliment their own. On the other hand, women who were not on the pill chose partners with genetic compatibility. This suggests that being on the pill can have an effect on the kind of partner you are attracted to! 



Of course, the Pill can and does work for some women who have no pre-existing period or hormonal issues. However, if you’re using it to put a Band-Aid over annoying menstrual symptoms, to regulate an irregular cycle, or because you don’t know what else to do, it’s time to consider other options

Getting in touch with your natural hormonal balance is the key to unblocking many areas of your life that you may not have even considered were related. I’m not knocking the pill and the incredible impact it’s had on so many women and the women’s liberation movement as a whole. But I believe it’s so important to know the facts, and to have all your options available before making a decision. Especially when it affects your entire body.

If you are on the Pill as a Band-Aid therapy to mask symptoms like irregular cycles, acne, or heavy and painful periodsyou should know there is another more effective option. The protocol I’ve developed at FLOLiving gets to the underlying causes of all of those symptoms, balancing your hormones and avoiding the dangerous side effects of medication. 

So why not take a break from unnecessary medication and experiment with what being natural can do for your body – and your love life!

*Crave more hormone help?*

If you’re needing some health upgrading, it’s time you started looking into what’s going on with your hormones. Alisa has designed a 4 day hormone detox and evaluation to help you understand exactly what’s out of whack and how you can start getting back to balance so that your hormones no longer have to suffer. 

Click here to get your FREE detox + evaluation!

Filed Under: Alisa vitti, Body, Hormones, The pill

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