S-Life Mag

Your source for nourishment, inspiration, and joy

Our nutrition philosophy embraces both ancient healing arts and emerging science. It connects the tried and true with the latest in nutritional medicine, to create a protocol designed to heal on multiple levels. One modality we admire is Ayurveda, as it values the power in herbs, mindfulness, and intuitive eating based on nature.

We spoke with Sahara Rose, an Ayurvedic guru, to share with us how to create a vibrant Vata Season aka fall and early winter. This time is all about turning inward, connecting to our inner knowing—and staying warm. We recommend stocking up on Detox tea during this season for liver, kidney, and GI tract cleansing—in addition to the 4 essential tips from Sahara in order to thrive during Vata.   

1. Drink hot water with cinnamon. Hot water will warm up your gastrointestinal system from within, stimulating your digestive fire. Cinnamon is similarly a heat-inducing spice that will help to keep your body temperature stable, even in chilly weather. Much of the cinnamon out there is Cassia, which is not pure cinnamon. Make sure to look for Ceylon cinnamon to snag all the deep, healing benefits. 

2. Oil pull with sesame oil. Oil-pulling is the practice of rinsing your mouth with oil to remove toxins and cleanse your system. Just put a tablespoon of sesame oil in your mouth and swish it around for at least five minutes, working your way up to 20 minutes. It may sound difficult, but it’s actually easier than you think and believe us, will be a huge game-changer. Sesame oil is warming, making it the best choice for Vata season.

3. Avoid icy smoothies. Drinking icy beverages will only make you cold from within, putting out your digestive fire. This is going to make you more prone to bloating, gas and constipation because your digestive system won’t be working as efficiently. If you do have a smoothie, avoid adding ice/ iced fruits and add warming ingredients like baked sweet potato, ginger and cinnamon instead.

4. Eat warm, cooked meals. Now is the time for pumpkin soup, steamed greens, spiced quinoa, baked sweet potato and other warming, grounding ingredients. These foods will balance out the cold, windy qualities of the Fall season. Now is not the time for juice cleanses, only eating salads, snacking on crackers, cookies, popcorn and granola bars. Avoid cold, dry, raw foods and instead have something warm, moist, and well-cooked like a curry, blended soup or roasted veggies.

Filed Under: Ayurveda, Detox, Inspirations, Vata

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